Council Post: How Retailers Can Get Ready To Welcome Customers Again

Co-founder of Shook Kelley, a retail architectural firm studying human behavior and focusing on the intersection of commerce and community.

Everyone is curious to see what the “new normal” will look like for retail. For a while, things seemed bleak, and it was uncertain if and when consumers would be ready to venture out again. However, as fall sets in, there are many signs that people and businesses are beginning to come out of their bunkers, albeit with caution, and consumers appear ready to celebrate life again. Who among us doesn’t want to escape our 200-plus days of house arrest to relax at a cafe while eating a scone and sipping a coffee, or to take a stroll through the local outdoor shopping district? Many retailers find themselves asking: Where will people want to go, and how can they be the first to attract them?

For the last 30 years, my colleagues and I have studied the intersection of where commerce and community meet and how people convene in public places. The assumption is that we go to these places to buy things, but we’ve been able to easily purchase items online for the last 20 years. What many people don’t consider is that there’s a big difference between buying and shopping. The former activity is transactional, but the latter pursuit is recreational, and people are missing this leisurely part of their lives. There are three main drivers for why people will want to return to retail spaces again. If you consider these drivers while crafting your retail space, you can be sure to draw your customers back in.

1. We are a connection-seeking species. 

For thousands of years, since the ancient Greek agora — or what we commonly call “the market” — retail has brought people together in pro-social ways. While you pick up some bread, leather and silk, you can also meet up with your friends, neighbors and strangers. As humans, the market provides us with more than just physical matters — it also gives us a connection to other humans.

Brick-and-mortar retailers can no longer simply offer products because online players are focused on outdoing traditional retailers by removing all the friction and inefficiencies. Instead, retailers should focus on sharpening the tip of their experience value proposition (EVP). This EVP needs to offer a better payoff than online options in terms of the experience of shopping.

What might that payoff entail? A day of fun with the family or a romantic stroll with a date. Offering a chance to bond with neighbors, meet new people and feel a sense of community through shared experiences, such as a trolley or carriage ride or taking photos of each other in front of an artist’s mural. These are the sorts of connections people are seeking, especially after their extended quarantine, and positioning your retail space as offering these sorts of connections will entice people to return.

2. We are a meaning-seeking species.

At times, the world can seem like a harsh, dangerous place. We all face problems, setbacks and tragedies that can make us feel hopeless, but the one thing that carries us forward is finding meaning for our lives. Today, many consumers rely on brands to provide them with a sense of meaning and purpose that helps them understand and confront the world.

Whether it be TOMS’s sustainability efforts and mission to donate to various charities, or The Honest Company protecting our children with safe household products, today’s consumers want to make the world a better place with their purchase power. In the past, most of us were willing to accept supermarket food as is, but when food retailers like Whole Foods came along, they taught us how our entire food supply chain was out of balance, and how their brand aspired to put it back together. They did most of this education via the store’s experience using earth tones, wood-cut signage, agricultural imagery and farm-like pallets. Today’s consumers don’t just want products, they want products that mean something. They want a value proposition that puts our wobbly world back in balance.

The best way retailers can infuse their EVP with meaning is to ask themselves two fundamental questions: How does your entity believe the world is out of balance and how can your brand put it back into balance? 

3. We are an experience-seeking species.

People are attracted to places that make them feel good and safe, and they try to avoid those they don’t like or that feel unfriendly. Places that have a lot of visual noise and chaos drain our battery and places that have visual interest or harmony restore our energy. Walking a few blocks in a curated, outdoor shopping district can recharge our batteries, but shopping for furniture often drains us. There’s no doubt that when it is safe for people to go out, they will look for those places that recharge their batteries and avoid the ones that drain them.  

As people get ready to come back out in the open again, retailers will need to evaluate how well they offer connection, meaning and experience to their customers or risk being replaced by the online version of their business. 

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