Sundance 2020: ‘In The Earth’ Is A Strong Horror Entry With Gorgeous Imagery

Ben Wheatley may now be associated with larger profile projects like the Netflix
adaptation of Rebecca and the forthcoming sequel to The Meg, but despite his wide range of successful genre-spanning fare, horror fans will always associate him with his shocking work of psychological folk horror Kill List. With In The Earth filmed over 15 days during the pandemic, it’s refreshing to see the filmmaker get back (forgive the pun) to his roots.

The film takes place in the context of a massive viral pandemic. Dr. Martin Lowery sets off to a research test site deep in the Arboreal Forest along with park scout Alma. The two are viciously attacked while sleeping, and wake to find their camp ravaged and many of their belongings gone. Shoeless and hurt, the two trek through the forest until they find Zach, a seemingly kind man living off the grid who offers help. They follow him, and things aren’t what they seem… a scenario gradually leading to the discovery that there’s a potentially mystical stone at the center of the forest that may, indeed, be more than just a stone.

It’s a strong outing, with leads Joel Fry and Ellora Torchia putting in strong and nuanced performances in a script with a larger than life premise. Certainly, what Wheatley and co. were able to pull off in such a limited shoot in the middle of the pandemic is impressive. At the same time, this is a film that would hold up on its own merits in any year—it’s a solid film with an intriguing premise, great antagonists, and absolutely breathtaking cinematography. There are particular night scenes with alternating levels of strobing lights amidst other visuals that, frankly, are wonderful in their effectiveness. The pacing is tight with little filler, it feels larger than life for its budget and limitations—it just works.

The largest issue with the film is likely a consequence of those limitations, however, in that (this is difficult to describe without spoilers) there is so much implied with the ending that would have such monumental significance, it would be nice to, you know, see a little more of it. It isn’t one of those ‘left to the imagination’ let down endings, but there’s an opportunity for majesty here, that larger-than-life feeling that movies were made for, and the ending falls just slightly short of that. It’s an understandable misfortune in a movie that still by and large works well, but it’s a misfortune nonetheless.

Additionally, some of the protagonists’ actions make little sense in their context. For example, say you and a colleague were sleeping in an isolated part of the forest en route to a research site, and you were attacked. At some relatively short point after you woke you meet a slightly shady individual, the only other person you’ve seen in the entire area, and in your injured confusion… you trust him? You’re attacked by a person and you aren’t the least bit suspicious of the shady individual you immediately meet afterwards? There are related instances in the film of characters making choices that frankly don’t make sense that impede full suspension of disbelief.

All that said, In The Earth is a suspenseful, well acted, beautiful film with a meaty ending that has a lot of implications. Those implications could have paid off a little more, been a tiny bit more fleshed out, but fans of Kill List know Wheatley is happy to put out great films that favor the strong, question-provoking gut-punch endings over neatly packaged simple ones. It’s a strong film, made ever more impressive by its production in a year of halted projects. When you get a chance, don’t miss it.

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