Council Post: Nine Techniques For Structuring A More Productive Workday

Entrepreneurs typically have long, nonstandard workdays, with some even working more than 15 hours at a time. Yet even though they may be spending all this time working on their business, there’s no guarantee that their days are truly as productive as they could be.

Building structure within your workday helps solve this problem. But how does someone specifically go about structuring their day, and what types of elements should be included? To help, nine leaders from Young Entrepreneur Council discuss the workday scheduling techniques that function best for them, and offer some advice on how others can follow in their footsteps.

1. Live And Die By Your Calendar

My motto is, “If it’s not in my calendar, it won’t happen.” Having all work activities on the calendar helps establish how important time is. On a micro level, it allows you to see how much time you have in a day and to get important initiatives scheduled. It also helps eliminate distractions and time spent on things that aren’t as important. It’s easy to get sucked into emails or unscheduled calls, but not when you have a schedule to keep. Although, it’s important to still have time scheduled for emails and calls (which allows you to “be responsive” but in a more organized way). On a macro level, scheduling “milestones” throughout the year on your calendar helps you complete larger goals in an efficient way. Want to be efficient and successful? Use your calendar! – Bill Mulholland, ARC Relocation

2. Make Your Meetings Short

Besides neurotically checking emails and social media, attending meetings is the other largest killer of productivity. The solution? Make them as short as possible. I rarely go over a half an hour with a client, and most meetings last 15 minutes. Make meetings short by requiring three simple things: an agenda, a two-minute rule and a person to lead. The agenda can be a simple bullet-point list of topics that you’ll cover. Place these into the meeting invitation. Don’t go over stuff that’s already known among attendees, such as a business plan that’s already drafted and shared. Follow a two-minute rule where each person can only talk for two minutes before others interject. The person leading is not the main decision-maker; rather, the lead monitors time and keeps the agenda and two-minute rule flowing. – Ron Lieback, ContentMender

3. Group Similar Tasks Together

To maximize productivity throughout the day, try to group similar tasks together so you can finish them quicker. For example, you can group together smaller, mindless tasks that don’t take a lot of brainpower and finish them when you don’t have a lot of mental energy to spend. Likewise, finish more arduous tasks when you’re in a productive, motivated mindset and can handle more. – Stephanie Wells, Formidable Forms

4. Set Priorities For The Next Day

Because I run a data center, there’s a lot of unexpected issues that tend to pop up throughout my days. That’s why the last thing I do before leaving for the day is write out three priorities that I want to focus on the next day. When I come in each morning, I can then more easily focus on what needs to be done, saving me time and making my work more efficient. Another helpful tool that I use is my Google Calendar. There I can easily see my meetings for the day, but I can also see gaps of time between those appointments for me to focus on my goals for the day. – Joe Morgan, Joe’s Datacenter, LLC

5. Plan And Then Review Throughout The Workday

I recommend planning and isolation first thing in the morning. Take this time to review business goals, review weekly commitments and review your calendar. Then plan to set your intention for the day. Ask yourself where you didn’t feel comfortable yesterday and how you can offload the uncomfortable tasks to other team members who would be better suited to them. Create your top three to-do list items for the day. Go do them! Review your progress midday and always end the day with gratitude and by acknowledging your wins for the day. – Laura Egocheaga, Viral Growth Media

6. Tackle Tough Tasks First

There are many ways to go about your daily activities, but one I see that works best regardless of your mood on a particular day is starting with the toughest tasks. For many, we’re most energetic when we start work, and then it goes down from there. So if you start with the most mentally and physically tough tasks, you’ll have a much higher chance of completing them. This way, you get more energy and motivation to do the other tasks that follow because you’ve proved to yourself once again that you’re capable. – Samuel Thimothy, OneIMS

7. Schedule In Breaks

One scheduling strategy that I can’t stress enough is to plan in breaks throughout the day. It’s impossible to focus on a task for eight to 12 hours straight. Too many people think that if they just work longer, they will get more done. That’s rarely the case. At a certain point, each hour of work yields diminishing returns. You get tired, distracted and bored. To prevent this, plan scheduled breaks throughout the day to hit the refresh button. These breaks don’t have to be long. It could be 10 minutes just to go on a walk and clear your head. I like to start my morning early to get a jump on the day. Mid-morning I take a walk to get out of the office. After lunch, I take another break to exercise. I’ve found that these short breaks reenergize my mind and make me more productive during the day. – Shaun Conrad, Guitar Repair Bench

8. Eliminate All Distractions

When I’m focused on a project that needs my full attention, I eliminate all distractions. My phone goes on silent. I make sure I have a drink and a full stomach, I close my office door and I play lyricless EDM music to block out anything else. The goal is to get rid of any sensory distractions that could pull me away from a task. Then again, a good walk can help get your brain working, too, plus some coffee. – Matt Bertram, EWR Digital

9. Block Time Out For Monotasking

I rely on time-blocking as a way to make sure that I am spending enough time on all the many tasks I have to do without getting overwhelmed. It works by dividing your day and week into time “blocks.” During that block, you do one task and one task only. The reason this is so important is because it gives you the chance to really focus on one thing and enter a state of flow. When you work on a single project, you save mental energy because you’re not switching between tasks. This method also ensures that you’re able to set aside enough time to cover multiple goals. I find that it makes me highly productive and also gives me time to spend with my family. – Syed Balkhi, WPBeginner

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