Securing the clouds

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Cloud computing has revolutionized the way files are stored and shared, and processing carried out from the corporate down to the individual private user level. Security remains a contentious issue. As such, there is an ongoing need to ensure data is protected optimally. Research published in the International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, discusses an efficient and optimized approach for the secure sharing of files in the cloud.

Cloud computing has been with us for many years now, although still sometimes considered a ‘new’ paradigm. It represents delocalised, distributed, and shared services and allows all kinds of organizations and individuals to offload their storage and computer processing needs on to third-party servers and services, commonly for a fee, in a freemium, model, and occasionally at zero cost to the user.

There are many benefits to cloud computing. Obviously, distributed servers can offer greater processing and storage capacity than local computers. The downside to cloud computing can be the very nature of it in that it is ultimately dependent on a third party for the service and also for privacy and protection of one’s data.

Neha Agarwal and Ajay Rana of Amity University in Noida UP and Jai Prakash Pandey of KNIT in Sultanpur UP, India, have proposed an encryption method that offers a hybrid approach comprising a symmetric and asymmetric algorithm. The approach they demonstrate is more secure and more efficient than other current approaches used to protect files for cloud sharing.

Homomorphic encryption for cloud users

More information:
Neha Agarwal et al. An efficient and optimised approach for secured file sharing in cloud computing, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms (2021). DOI: 10.1504/IJAIP.2021.112905

Securing the clouds (2021, February 19)
retrieved 20 February 2021

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