Coronavirus Will Make The 2020 Hurricane Season Even More Dangerous. America Isn’t Ready.

In a normal year, predictions of an “above average” Atlantic hurricane season spurs a flurry of disaster planning. But, this year, the Coronavirus pandemic blunted the impact of these grim predictions. With top hurricane forecasters predicting sixteen named storms and warning of potentially up to four major Category 3, 4, or 5 storms this year, a hurricane hit in the midst of a pandemic is likely.

Is America ready?

Time is short. The Atlantic Hurricane season begins on June 1, just as America is set to enter a delicate re-opening process. Making things worse, the pandemic crisis has sucked resources away from seasonal disaster preparations while making hurricane planning—something of a simple “cookbook” enterprise for many at-risk communities—a far more complex endeavor.

Without strong, focused leadership at all levels of government, America will face a tough and lethal hurricane season.

Leadership Is Needed Now To Spark Preparedness

The virus will make everything in hurricane preparedness harder.

There is, for example, no plan in place to support virus-safe social distancing for hurricane evacuees. It is a real question if the array of needed hotels and other services will be ready—or even open—to support a tsunami of temporary coastal refugees that flee strong hurricanes. Shelter planning—housing of last resort for many—fails to account for social distancing.

Longer-term recovery is another potential challenge. Supply chains, already stressed, will be hard-pressed to handle the double-tap of potential port disruptions coupled with a sudden localized uptick in demand for everything from batteries and blue tarps to beer and building materials.

By June 1, leaders throughout the Southeast and East Coast must break away from the day-to-day grind of coronavirus response and look to see if sufficient “virus-free” transport, hotels, shelters and temporary or short-term “virus-safe” lodging options will exist when coastal zone refugees head inland, away from any incoming storm.  

Testing will be crucial. Universal post-exposure screening and identification mechanisms must be prioritized for hurricane-threatened communities. As the entire nation rushes to appropriate all available testing resources, the White House must do more to ensure that coastal-zone disaster managers will, for example, be able to identify those who have already been infected. It is the only way authorities can guide those who are still vulnerable to infection to “virus-safe” shelters—assuming “virus-safe” shelters can even be stood up.

Rapid-deploying medical surveillance and other vital support resources should be identified now. Those resources can be drilled and prepared over the coming months to backstop communities, helping them handle viral outbreaks during and after the storm’s passage. “Viral-safe” sheltering experiments can start now, leveraging current best “virus-safe” practices by sheltering homeless or other in-need populations.

In addition to material support, a distracted White House must ensure regional travel is unencumbered during an evacuation. At the height of the epidemic, Florida set up highway checkpoints to encourage travelers from Louisiana and other viral hotspots to either stay away or self-quarantine. Such checkpoints during an evacuation may prove fatal.

Traditional Responders Will Need Help

The virus has made the entire hurricane response and recovery playbook obsolete.

Traditional post-storm rescuers like the U.S. Coast Guard may face accelerated attrition as assets and units are committed and then potentially infected as they work. Far more out-of-area units or reservists may need to be cycled into the Southeast and East Coast than usual, as Coast Guard personnel will likely be committed and then sidelined for quarantine and recovery.

Given the real potential that the U.S. Coast Guard may be overwhelmed, the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps needs an engaged leader to actively support domestic hurricane response, re-familiarizing the services with the long-dismissed mission of supporting hard-pressed civil authorities. The Department of Defense can do a lot right now to support seamless post-hurricane command-and-control and interoperability with the U.S. Coast Guard—but nothing will happen if nobody leads.

These challenges will be compounded overseas. Both the State and Defense Departments would be wise to watch for opportunities to help strategic allies in the Caribbean and elsewhere weather the combined viral-hurricane storm. Both agencies need to pick up their game; in early April, Vanuatu, a strategic country in the deep Pacific was battered by a massive Category 4 storm, and American aid has been slow in coming.

A Strong Post-Disaster Response Drives A Wider Recovery

All is not lost. Hurricane recovery can be an economic driver, and, with national unemployment at record highs, a smart national leader would move right now to establish, recruit, train and credential a post-disaster recovery corps, where unemployed will get basic training now to support some sort of subsidized or public/private rapid-recovery and rebuilding effort. Disaster workers can be backed by public/private partnerships with Home Depot, Lowes, Ace Hardware or via some other federally guaranteed logistical network and supply chain comprised of basic building materials and other recovery resources that may be hard to find.  

Time is short, but there are a few months left to prepare and get ready.

If there is any silver lining in all of this, the saving grace is that the virus has already hit many at-risk population centers very hard.  A good proportion of those in New Orleans, South Florida and New York will have already suffered through a bout of Coronavirus-caused illness, and won’t be brining it with them. But, in a hurricane, aged folks and other at-risk citizens will be unprotected and on the run, and the virus will still be out there, lurking, waiting to infect them.

It’s a hackneyed phrase, but we all know that American security relies upon developing a plan now, before disaster strikes. But the real trick will be in finding and empowering those leaders who can make this planning happen.

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