9 Democratic Senators Claim Trump’s Coronavirus Response Favored Swing States, Seek Probe


In a letter to the inspectors general of HHS and FEMA, nine Democratic senators led by Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., allege the Trump administration’s coronavirus response was driven by political motives and call on them to investigate.


The senators charge that the administration “made decisions about distributing life-saving supplies based on electoral concerns of the President and his political allies.”

They point to the “slow and inconsistent” distribution of supplies from the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS), and noted that Massachusetts, despite being one of the first states hit by coronavirus, “received only a fraction of its request for PPE,” while Florida received the full quantity.

The letter cites a Washington Post story in which a White House aide is quoted saying “the president knows Florida is so important for his reelection, so when DeSantis says that, it means a lot… He pays close attention to what Florida wants.”

The Senators allege that Trump is “using his influence to deliver medical supplies to certain states as a way to support vulnerable Republican Senators up for re-election in the fall,” highlighting statements in which Trump touts sending aid to Colorado and Arizona on behalf of Senators Cory Gardner and Martha McSally, both Republican incumbents facing fierce challenges in 2020.

They also claim the distribution process has been “completely opaque,” and ask the IGs to look at what criteria is used to determine the distribution of medical supplies, how resources are allocated when there’s insufficient supplies to fulfill every state’s request and what influence Trump, Vice President Pence and political appointees like Jared Kushner have on the process.

Forbes has reached out to the White House for comment.

Key background

The Trump administration has taken significant heat for its distribution of PPE, ventilators and other resources vital to combatting coronavirus and protecting health care workers. A ProPublica report in late March found that Florida, a crucial swing state where Trump recently changed his voter registration, was receiving far more of its requested emergency medical supplies than other states, despite not having the most severe outbreak.

Some blue state governors, frustrated with the federal government’s response, have circumvented the federal government by looking elsewhere for supplies. California Governor Gavin Newsom made a $1 billion deal with a Chinese automaker to supply the state with masks. Illinois Governor JB Pritzker similarly spent $1.7 million secretly transporting masks from China, drawing the ire of the administration. 


Among the co-signers of the letter are two Senators who ran for the Democratic nomination in 2020 in addition to Warren: California Senator Kamala Harris and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. 

Another co-signer, Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal, was the main plaintiff in the eponymous Blumenthal v. Trump U.S. appeals court case. The suit, brought by over 200 members of Congress, alleges that Trump violated the emoluments clause of the constitution by profiting from his office through foreign dignitaries staying at his hotels and renting space in his buildings. The case was dismissed in February.

News Peg

The letter follows a long string of allegations that Trump has used his high government perch for personal political gain. In addition to his coronavirus response and the aforementioned court case, Trump was impeached in January over allegations that he attempted to coerce the Ukrainian president into investigating Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. 

More recently, Trump came under fire for a video that was played at a White House coronavirus briefing last week which touted the administration’s response to coronavirus. Critics alleged that the video, which Trump said was produced by the White House communications shop, played like a campaign ad and therefore violated the Hatch Act. Richard Briffault, a professor of government ethics and law at Columbia University, told Forbes, “the use of taxpayer-funded staff on taxpayer-time on a political video would violate the Hatch Act.”

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