Brené Brown and Marc Brackett On Emotional Intelligence During A Pandemic

Emotions are running high among parents and students alike as we enter our second month of quarantine. As universities make provisions for continued remote learning and offices for remote work throughout the summer in an effort to combat the global coronavirus pandemic, managing emotions may grow especially difficult in such anxiety-provoking and uncertain times. There’s no guidebook for global trauma and its aftermath. Luckily, researchers around the country have been working on social and emotional learning (SEL) and how we can apply it in situations such as these.

In the April 13th episode of Unlocking Us with Brene Brown, Brown speaks with Dr. Marc Brackett, the director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and author of Permission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help Our Kids, Ourselves, and Our Society Thrive. Throughout their honest, personal, and oftentimes hilarious conversation, they define emotional intelligence (EQ) and why it is now more important than ever to understand what it is and how it can help both adults and children better understand themselves, their surroundings, and each other. 

Brown begins with the basics, asking Brackett; what are emotions and why do they matter? Brackett defines feelings as “a core experience, but the emotion…is more granular, more specific.” Emotions often result from differing root causes. He explains, “anger is about injustice, but disappointment is about unmet expectations.” This revelation may be new to most, but research has proven that most individuals are not able to identify the causes of their emotions and how to regulate them. Since 2006, Brown and her team have done research asking people to write down names of emotions they can recognize in themselves and others. Shockingly, the mean number of emotions that people can identify emotions in themselves and others is three; commonly bad, sad, and glad. Brown’s research reflects Brackett’s, whose findings demonstrate that people are neither in touch with their emotions nor properly equipped with the tools to regulate them if they are. 

Young students, especially, may benefit from learning about emotional intelligence. Licensed psychotherapist Susan Zinn has observed through her work with adolescents and young students that “our culture is becoming more dependent on efficiency and technology [and] we’re stepping away from placing a value on the art of language.” This has limited the language around emotion, Zinn says. The more educated students and adults are about the complexities and the different types of emotions, the better we can regulate our emotional states and have better wellness all around. 

However, becoming more educated in emotional intelligence may not come intuitively to most of us. “People have no training in emotion recognition… it’s not part of the curriculum. How much time to do we spend in school learning about feelings and emotions and moods?” Brackett asks. “When you analyze the curriculum from math to language arts to science to whatever your learning, you know, social emotional learning is still an add-on. It’s not part of our curriculum. My career goal is to make social and emotional learning a permanent part of our country’s education.” 

Brown and Brackett bring up a poignant question that many of us may not ask ourselves on a regular basis; if we aren’t in touch with our own emotions, are we being our authentic selves with the people we love the most? Brown identifies the core human need as being “seen and known and loved.” Let’s think about the relationships we have with the people around us and what they know about their own emotions and regulating those emotions. These topics may not be what come to the forefront during dinner conversations or catch-ups with friends. But both Brown and Brackett would agree that we as a society must get to a point where we can understand our emotions as well as those of others, for our own sake and our loved ones’ sakes.

One of the first steps towards identifying emotions and where these emotions come from is to better understand our own personal histories. Brackett explains how most of our negative self-talk comes from the adults who were around us as we grew up. He explains that, when you dig into your history and think about why you talk to yourself the way that you do, you may uncover the fact that a loved one may have said the same thing to you when you were growing up. As Brown points out, “so much of emotion is biography.”

Zinn also speaks to how younger students can learn from this. According to Zinn, teens love to know about how their bodies and brains work, once they realize they can have control over their emotional states. This gives them more agency and control over their emotions, which reduces their anxiety and teaches them to be resilient. 

Identifying the emotion alone is not sufficient. It’s important to understand emotions and why they matter, especially for young students. Brackett goes on to discuss the five reasons why understanding emotions is important: 

  1. Emotions affect our ability to pay attention. Brackett shares his own story and how growing up, he longed for friendships, love and safety. He wanted “to get home without being bullied and hurt.” Students can relate to Brackett’s story and how experiencing different emotions throughout high school and even during this time, have affected their ability to pay attention to homework or study for tests. For instance, reading the news about the current global situation may be anxiety-inducing and depressing. A student may not want to or even be able to work on his or her calculus homework right after reading the daily news. That’s natural and normal. We must recognize that our emotion is the link to our capacity to pay attention.
  2. Emotions affect our decision making. As Brackett states, we like to think that we are rational creatures. He cites a study he conducted with teachers in which he randomly assigned them to be in a good mood and bad mood. The teachers then graded the exact same paper – and the results showed that there was a one to two full grades inconsistency between grades given by teachers in a good mood and those in a bad mood. When asked, “do you believe that how you felt had any influence over the way you evaluated that essay?” 90% of the teacher participants replied, no. Whether we admit to it or not, our emotions have a significant impact on the way that we approach and make decisions. In fact, recognizing that emotions play a huge role in our executive functioning may help us make better and more informed decisions. 
  3. Emotions affect our relationships. Though it’s difficult to realize all of the time, “in the simplest forms, emotions are signals to approach or avoid.” Brackett explains. Even our facial emotions give a signal to others, whether to approach us or avoid us. It’s important then to consider how we communicate our emotions through our expressions, even in ways that we may not be consciously aware of. We must ask ourselves, are we communicating to others that they are welcome to approach us or avoid us? Are we communicating our emotions in such a way that impedes our ability to establish and maintain relationships? 
  4. Emotions impact our physical and mental health. Emotions and the way we process them are inextricably tied to our overall well-being and health. In a study of educators, Brackett found that “the culture and climate of their school was highly correlated with their anxiety, their stress, their negative feelings,” which also correlated to their mental health, sleep and BMI. 
  5. Emotions affect our performance and creativity. Brackett has worked with several CEOs, and he states that they want people who are “flexible, people who..are inspiring” and people who have the skills not taught in schools. Although working on our EQ for the sake of being hired at a Fortune 500 company may not be the end goal, it is clear that our education system is fundamentally flawed in the way that it approaches educating students beyond academics. Brackett states that, “we need to “rethink education to make sure that a) our educators are taught emotion science and b) our kids get these skills from preschool to whenever.” Our education system and society rely on high SAT scores and GPAs to gain admission into prestigious universities; however in doing so, we don’t pay enough attention to emotional intelligence. He jokes that some of his students at Yale would say, “I didn’t need emotional intelligence,” to which he responds, “well, you’re going to need it to get out.”

In order to help others identify and understand their emotions, Brackett and his team have developed the RULER method.The first step in applying the RULER method is giving yourself the “permission to feel.” There’s no such thing as a “bad feeling” he explains, and it’s important to allow yourself to feel all emotions. Whether you’re a high school student who has just won a science fair competition for the first time or have faced multiple rejections throughout the college application process, allow yourself to shamelessly feel your emotions. It’s important to know that there is no right or wrong way to feel. You must first give yourself the permission to do so. 

Here’s how you can apply the RULER method:  

Recognition of emotion in oneself  — through one’s own body and mind  — and in the other  — in their face, body and voice. This is especially difficult, primarily, because we’ve been trained to fake, repress or ignore our feelings and, additionally, because we often confuse a behavior for a feeling. Shouting, for instance, may be a symptom of shame, but it could be perceived by others as anger. It’s important to ask yourself, what emotions can you recognize in yourself and in others? If you’re a student and you’re navigating confusing or conflicting emotions due to the recent changes to our world, what emotions are you feeling? Again, we must allow ourselves to feel emotions shamelessly in order to identify them. 

Understanding of emotions involves knowing the consequences and causes of our feelings. Let’s revisit our example of identifying the difference between disappointment and anger. Understanding emotions often occurs categorically. If you’re a parent and you’re observing that your kid is yelling that they hate you for not being able to visit a friend, you must understand that the underlying cause is likely disappointment, so you must respond by regulating their disappointment, not by punishing them for their anger. Understanding emotions may not come naturally at first, and it’s important to understand that it’s alright if you cannot understand the entirety or your emotions.

Labeling the feeling properly is equally important. You must ask and decide whether you are angry or enraged or perhaps, irritable. Maybe you’re feeling all three. It’s important here to get granular, Brackett explains, and to pay attention to the nuances. 

Recognizing, understanding and labeling an emotion properly are key skills in understanding our experience and how we are feeling. But what do we do with these feelings? This is where expressing and regulating your emotions are key.

Expressing feelings demands the presence of someone who wants to listen to you. There are racial, cultural, and power barriers that render this step difficult. According to Brackett, two-thirds of our nation’s youth don’t feel they have a supportive adult in their schools and lots of kids feel the same way at home. If there’s no one on the other side to receive the feelings you express – there’s no reason to express them. It’s important to learn how to build and maintain the relationships you have with others to help yourself and your loved ones express their emotions. 

Regulation of emotions doesn’t entail suppression, repression, or denial, all of which don’t allow you to move past emotions. “Repressed emotions are metastatic, they are not benign.” Brown echoes. Regulating emotions means preventing the feeling from yielding power over you, and eventually accepting them.

Applying the RULER method looks different for everyone. It can look like someone who is present, someone who can be a great learner or it can look like someone who is willing to build and maintain the best possible relationships. There is no one correct answer. However, it’s clear that applying the components of the RULER method and being in touch with your emotions can better serve you and the relationships you have with others.

Whether you’re a student, a parent, a friend, a partner, or any combination of the four, quarantine is an especially important time to learn RULER skills. We can utilize this time to communicate to students that identifying and understanding their emotions can teach them the skills they need to be more resilient and learn how to overcome challenges. Studies show that our children are not giving up “because of their ability but because of their inability to deal with their feelings.” As a parent or educator, guiding students towards recognizing and managing their emotions may be the most beneficial skill to teach them, both for persevering through these uncertain times and for those that may come in the future. We can all take to heart Brackett’s advice when he says, “it’s all about taking that breath, pausing and applying the RULER principles.” 

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