The Covid-19 Recession and Small Business

The recession we are about to enter has been intentionally created by government policy as the key component of the battle against Covid-19. This is a “Black swan” event, a disturbing force that did not arise from the normal behavior of a private economy such as the 2008 recession. The 1974-5 recessions might be blamed on the Fed, an intentional attack on the inflation virus infecting the economy. High interest rates eventually choked off enough demand to conquer the inflation virus.

In 2008, we had a solid private economy, enjoying easy credit, low interest rates, investors looking for something other than stocks to invest in, and greed fueling the economic excesses that produced the downturn. Builders took on contracts financed by construction loans and signed up the needed subcontractors. Many of these projects sold for a nice profit even before completion to other speculators counting on continued price appreciation. This was the pattern observed across the U.S. Eventually, the “flippers” ran out of “flipees,” sales stalled, and prices softened. The lenders noticed and stopped making advances on construction loans to builders who in turn couldn’t pay the subcontractors and the layoffs started. Meantime, investors in mortgage portfolios saw delinquencies and defaults rising, making it difficult to “price” or “value” a mortgage portfolio, creating a serious liquidity problem that the Fed had to deal with. This “infection” leaked into the broader economy, and over the period of a year, the unemployment rate rose to 10%. In this recession, it will take only a month to reach that level.

This time, government policy went directly to the source of the public health crisis and implemented social distancing measures and closed non-essential businesses. In a matter of days, consumer spending plummeted, many manufacturing plants and stores were forced to close, and rules on social contact and mobility were imposed on individuals. Retail sales, the life blood of Main Street businesses, slowed to a trickle. As a result, layoffs and terminations soared. Twenty-six million workers filed for unemployment benefits in a few weeks, equal to 13% of the civilian workforce. Retail sales posted the largest decline in recent history.

All this came as a major shock to the small business half of the private sector. NFIB’s monthly survey of its 300,000 member firms illustrate the suddenness of realizing the economic impact of the crisis as the Index of Optimism tumbled from some of the highest levels reached in the 46 year survey history to one of the lowest. The Index fell to 101 in the first half of March, a solid reading, but then hit 92 in the second half. The net (% favorable less percent unfavorable) percent of owners expecting higher real sales in the coming months fell 34 percentage points to a net negative 30%. This loss of revenue would require significant reductions in employment (the major cost) as well as reduced spending on inventories and capital projects.

 April will reveal a broader picture of the response of NFIB small business owners. Seventy percent successfully applied for assistance through the Paychecks Protection Program and about 20 percent were successful getting one so far. But the $350 billion of allocated funds were quickly exhausted and the additional $310 billion approved by Congress is unlikely to fully meet owners’ needs. Having a relationship with the bank at which the application was made raised the likelihood of a successful submission. Sadly, many banks, especially larger ones did, not decide to observe the spirit of the legislation.

Economic statistics will provide shocking news about economic activity, with double digit unemployment rates and negative growth statistics. The National Bureau of Economic Research is the official arbiter of the dates for the start and end of a recession, but the numbers over the next few months will definitely look and feel like a recession. The “rule of thumb” definition is two back-to-back quarters with negative real GDP growth. Q1 will be a close call, because January and February were decent months for the economy. Q2 will likely show negative growth unless the economy opens quickly and with some vibrancy, which is unlikely. Consumer sentiment fell sharply, incomes will be significantly shaped by how quickly employment recovers and how effective the government job saving programs are. Driving all the policy decisions will be our success in slowing the spread of Covid-19.

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