Bangladesh border: Trucks stranded across border – Times of India

CHENNAI: The escalating unrest in Bangladesh has hit India’s trucking industry with an estimated 1,300 trucks stranded at the Benapole border. The All India Motor Transport Congress (AIMTC) has already written to the government to facilitate the return of these vehicles and their crew, said AIMTC president Amrit Lal Madan.
“After we intimated the government, with GoI intervention, the trucks have started coming back to India,” he said.“There will be an impact on the transportation business on account of the developments in Bangladesh,” he added.
There’s a reason why the Bangladesh unrest is making India’s transportation sector jittery – it is a huge market for Indian goods. “Thanks to the favourable duty structure, daily around 1,000 trucks used to go to Bangladesh which has now stopped entirely,” said Ramesh Aggarwal of the All India Transporters Welfare Association. India ships everything from auto and auto parts, earth moving big machines, engineering goods, pharma to fruits & vegetables. In comparison, Nepal has high import duties and only 100-150 trucks ply between the two countries, he said.

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