Waymo And Others Resume Self-Driving Testing And Rides

Waymo, the world’s leading self-driving car company, has resumed on-road testing and some passenger services, after shutting these down due to Covid-19. Baidu
, Pony.AI and Aurora have also resumed, and Zoox says it will restart soon in Las Vegas. Uber
resumed some testing in California (a big step after they were shut down for a very long time after running over a pedestrian in Arizona) on March 11, just a short time before lockdowns ended that. Some other companies have been doing Covid-19 related operations like delivering food or medicine, such as Nuro and Cruise. (Nuro vehicles never have a driver in them.) Starship, which operates delivery robots on sidewalks, has increased its city operations due to high demand for delivery in the Covid era.

Companies are being diligent. Some, like Waymo, are operating with only one safety driver — more on that later. They are all cleaning vehicles frequently and having safety drivers follow sanitary protocols, and telling them not to work if they have symptoms. Unless drivers are alone in vehicles all the time, they will wear masks at most companies.

When providing passenger or delivery service, the companies qualify as “essential services.” Slightly more complex is whether vehicle testing qualifies. It certainly should, since as I have repeatedly pointed out, any delay in the development of self-driving vehicles which save lives costs a huge number of lives down the road. Delaying the launch of robocars by several years could actually kill more people than Covid-19, though that’s a tall order. However, “should” and legal are different things.

Waymo is the only company that can operate with nobody inside, and they are probably the only one who can operate safely with only one safety driver. With one safety driver, there is minimal risk to anybody else as long as the vehicle is cleaned between shifts. Of course, any number of safety drivers create a risk for passengers, even with everybody wearing masks, because everybody is sitting in a confined space within six feet. Some Uber drivers have taken to walling off the driver’s seat with plastic. If weather is good, cars should drive with windows open and the air system not set to recirculate.

Almost all teams normally operate with two safety drivers. It’s 4 eyes on the road, and the two people enforce discipline on one another. The Uber fatality was caused by a negligent safety driver who was not watching the road. It almost surely would not have happened if Uber had maintained the practice of two safety drivers, if for no other reason than the 2nd person would never have allowed the main driver to watch a video on her phone. The value is greater than that, but on the path to zero drivers, one goes through a period where one is enough, and Waymo has reached that but Uber had not. There can be some debate if the other advanced teams have also reached that level. (The safety record of teams with 2 safety drivers is currently exemplary.)

In addition, the roads are nearly empty today, which might make it safe enough to reduce to one safety driver. At the same time, empty roads make testing less useful — you are less likely to encounter the tricky situations which you actually want to seek out when testing and learning. Even say, Waymo reports they are still finding much value in their testing on the less-busy roads of today. While roads are more empty, there are more pedestrians on the sidewalks than ever, with people all taking their regular walks. In my own experience, I have also noted people more commonly walking out onto the street to keep distance from other pedestrians, creating situations that are useful for the cars to learn about.

During the hiatus, most companies also worked hard on their simulated test environments, which continue to go full steam.

Waymo, and others, have also put efforts into doing delivery for charitable causes, getting things to the needy. It assures the testing is not just for testing. Waymo reports that their partner, AutoNation
, is giving its vehicles a special cleaning several times per day, and cars also feature wipes inside for use by passengers.

Reports also suggest Baidu is including UVC (short wave ultraviolet) lamps in some of their cars in China. UVC light can kill the virus and is the great hope for vehicles, including transit. Very short wave UVC (at 220nm) can destroy viruses and is not dangerous to humans. Longer sections of the UVC band can cause eye and skin damage and can only be used when the car is empty, when the power can also be turned up to maximum. Self-driving taxis have the option to do such burst, it is not as practical on always occupied vehicles like a bus.

As teams move to having two safety drivers, there may be some debate, since it can’t be and entirely safe workplace to have two people in a confined space together, even with masks and health checks. However, the risk can be reduced to modest, rather than extreme.

Many companies have made mention of doing temperature checks, and we see that talked about frequently in other areas. Unfortunately, only perhaps 15% of people infected with the novel coronavirus (known as Sars-Cov2) have a fever, so this is not a very effective means of testing. It always raises concern because anybody with a fever should already know not to come to work, so if these are catching actual problems something else is wrong. (It also punishes those who have fevers for other, non epidemic reasons.) Instead, the focus should be on very wide and frequent availability of RNA or Antigen tests, which will discover people who didn’t even know they were infected, and catch a much larger body of people, though it’s hard to do that on passengers.

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