Senate GOP Unveils Police Reform Bill, Setting Up Clash With House Democrats


Senate Republicans unveiled police reform legislation Wednesday that aims to change policing procedures and beef up accountability of police departments but falls short of another, more aggressive police reform bill making its way through the Democratic-led House, setting up a clash between the two chambers.


The GOP’s “Justice Act” is one of the most sweeping police reform bills proposed by Republicans in years, and was shepherded by Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) — the lone Black Republican in the Senate — who introduced the legislation on Wednesday.  

The proposal calls for establishing an enhanced use-of-force database, implementing incentives for police departments to ban chokeholds (the police maneuver used by Derek Chauvin in the killing of George Floyd), and creates new commissions to study law enforcement and race.

The bill also includes emergency grants for body cameras, makes lynching a federal hate crime and establishes a reporting system on no-knock warrants (26-year-old  Breonna Taylor was killed after police in Kentucky used a no-knock warrant to enter her Louisville home, sparking national outrage.)

House Democrats, meanwhile, are working on separate police reform legislation that has some similarities with the GOP bill but goes further, including banning chokeholds outright and reforming qualified immunity, the legal protection that shields police and other public officials from lawsuits if accused of misconduct.

The release of the Senate GOP bill comes one day after President Trump signed an executive order that establishes financial incentives for departments to ban chokeholds and increases federal oversight of police departments.

Two sticking points between the two parties on police reform are chokeholds and qualified immunity: most Republicans have called reforming qualified immunity a non-starter, and prefer not to ban chokeholds outright.  

Crucial quote

During a press conference unveiling the GOP legislation, Scott said some people “enjoy” talking about systemic racism. “We are not a racist country,” he added. “We deal with racism because there is racism in the country…Both are true. They are not mutually exclusive.” Scott went on to talk about his own experiences with police and recalled how he was recently pulled over and given a warning for not turning on his turn signal early enough on a turn. He said he once was pulled over seven times in a year.

What to watch for 

The Senate bill could hit the floor in the coming days while House Democrats are expected to vote on their bill next week. Politico reports both the Senate committee vote Wednesday and the House vote next week are expected to largely fall along party lines. 

Chief critic

Most Democrats have criticized Republicans — including Trump — for supporting reform with no teeth. “What’s clear is the Senate Republican bill on policing does not rise to the moment.” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday of the Senate GOP bill.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) hit back at Democrats over their bill, which he said was “going nowhere” in the Senate. He added Democrats were seeking to “federalize” the police system and trying to “control everything in Washington.”

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called McConnell’s remarks “disgraceful” on Tuesday. “For the leader of the Senate to say, ‘It’s going nowhere, we don’t want any of that,’ is really disgraceful — and really ignores the concerns of the American people,” Pelosi said on MSNBC.

Further reading

‘Stop The Pain’ — George Floyd’s Brother Makes Case For Police Reform On Capitol Hill (Forbes)

A look at Democrats’ sweeping proposals to overhaul policing (Associated Press)

Trump Signs Executive Order Banning Choke Holds ‘Unless An Officer’s Life Is At Risk’ (Forbes)

Read Senate Republicans’ Proposed Police Reform Legislation (NPR)

House and Senate set for clash on police reform (Politico)

As Congress debates police reform, qualified immunity emerges as key dividing issue (USA Today)

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