Kroger And Albertson’s Should Merge Now To Compete With Walmart And Amazon In Online Grocery

Disclosure: I am an investor in Albertson’s.

Nothing less than an upheaval has been happening in the grocery business since the Coronavirus pandemic shutdown began. Whereas prior to the shutdown, online purchases of groceries for in-store pickup and home delivery was about 4% of the market, it rocketed past 10% once the shutdown started and getting to 20% looks very real. The charts below show the growth.

What happens to an industry when 20% of the in-store customers stop coming in? In a business like grocery where profit margins are slim, reductions in store volume will make many stores unprofitable and supermarkets will have to close. Gentle reader, you already know what that looks like, you’ve seen the many dark fashion stores on almost every shopping street in America. The big stores that the supermarket industry saw as its anchor could become its ball and chain.

Winners And Losers

The grocery industry is enormous, about $800 billion in revenue, and the top five U.S. grocers right now are Walmart
, Kroger
, Albertson’s (including Safeway and others), Ahold Delhaize (Stop & Shop, Giant Food, Peapod and others) and Publix. For those five leaders to maintain their position, they have to adapt to online, urgently and massively. But that isn’t what’s happening. According to a recent report from Coresight Research, Amazon and Walmart are the runaway leaders in online grocery. 62.6% of online grocery shoppers have purchased groceries from Amazon in the last 12 months and 52.3% have bought from Walmart. (Interestingly, Amazon’s share is about the same as a year ago but Walmart’s has grown by almost 15 percentage points in the last year.) By contrast, 13.9% have purchased from Kroger and 4.3% from Albertson’s. Although Kroger and Albertson’s are the largest grocery-only companies in the country, they are falling behind in online, the key change happening to the industry. According to the Coresight report, Kroger is in 5th place and Albertson’s is in 11th. To remain industry leaders, both companies need to accelerate development of their online grocery business.

Right now, online grocery is a money-losing proposition. In traditional grocery, the customers pick the products off the shelf, check them out and deliver them to their own kitchens and pantries. When retailers are called upon to provide the labor for picking and delivering, the margins don’t support it. Many technology-based answers are being developed and no one knows yet which systems will emerge as the winners. In order to succeed, grocers have to make major capital investments to find and develop the technology that works best for their specific businesses.

With both Walmart and Amazon having virtually unlimited capital and technology expertise to succeed in online grocery, existing grocers are in a tight spot. They have to invest enormous resources and reconsider their store locations just to survive as the industry transitions.

Consolidation Is Their Answer

Putting Kroger and Albertson’s together will combine the #2 and #3 competitors in the market. The two companies have many overlapping store locations that can be consolidated so that when store traffic declines, their stores are still widespread and viable. More important, as a combined company, Kroger-Albertson’s would be able to marshal the capital to develop technology and build the human resources to implement training, operations and customer service to compete effectively in online grocery. As we’ve seen in many industries, succeeding online is different than just opening another store. The leadership, attitude, operational efficiencies and approaches are not the same as traditional retail. If the two companies combine their resources and top leadership commits to make the investment and changes required, it can happen. Without that commitment, Kroger and Albertson’s will find their leading positions will continue to fall. Their physical stores will simultaneously become less competitive as customers make fewer store visits. Stores will close and the downward spiral we have seen at so many retailers that take old approaches to new threats will take hold. Kroger and Albertson’s have to adapt now while they’re still strong. If they wait, they may never catch up.

Neither Kroger or Albertson’s responded to a request for comment on this article.


In any time until now, two such large competitors would not be permitted to combine. The government and competitors would object, saying the transaction is anti-competitive and that would effectively prevent a deal from happening. But now, because of the acceleration to online catalyzed by the pandemic, there’s a much greater competitive threat to both companies and the argument supporting the transaction is much stronger. Both companies’ long-term survival is at stake and they must act.

Through the Expert Institute, I spoke with three experts who have testified as witnesses on antitrust issues in some of the largest transactions ever done. Daniel Spulber of the Kellogg School at Northwestern University says that a key for this deal to pass scrutiny will be defining the market in as large a way as possible so that the share of market of the combined company will be relatively smaller. That’s done by including Target
, Walmart, Amazon and others who sell non-grocery products in the definition of what the marketplace is. If the only companies included are strictly grocery sellers, it’s going to be harder for the transaction to pass muster.

Devrim Ikizler, an antitrust economist with Iamecon, says it’s a “strong argument that they’re competing against giants and they have to… get big to compete against the giants, Walmart and Amazon.”

Marianne Hayek, senior economist at Touchstone Economics, told me, “this one is spot on. I don’t see any antitrust concerns given the context… The inevitable store closings, [the increased efficiency of] the two combined to remain viable to [compete with]…Walmart and Amzon. This rings very true and very legitimate to me.”


Structuring a combination of Kroger and Albertson’s has some unusual complications. Albertson’s has been private for many years and only recently went public. The amount of shares in the public’s hands (the float) is a relatively small proportion of the total. The greatest number of shares are held by two private equity groups, Cerberus and Apollo, and providing them with liquidity in a transaction could be a good value proposition for them. Although the combination is a true merger, Kroger is the larger company and makes sense to be the acquiror and surviving entity. A big premium is not as necessary in this case as it usually is in transactions of this scale because of the overhang on the market of the large number of restricted shares that would benefit from the liquidity in a transaction. Using a conservative scenario, I assumed that each Kroger share will be exchanged for two Albertson’s shares, giving Albertson’s shareholders a premium of 16.6% based on yesterday’s closing prices. Assuming Kroger uses only its stock in the transaction and doesn’t borrow (the most conservative way to structure it), Kroger earnings per share increase by 7.6% on the day of closing and that’s a win-win for all shareholders right from the start. The chart below shows the basic math.

Will They Dare?

About ten months ago, the largest in-person gathering of senior people in the grocery business, called Groceryshop, took place. At that conference, I asked as many senior people as I could whether they thought, confidentially, that the leading companies in the grocery business would still be the leaders in five to ten years from now. Almost no one told me they thought the leaders in the industry will stay on top. Even before the pandemic, people believed that the development of online grocery would undo the position of the largest grocers just as online growth has hurt the largest legacy retailers in other sectors.

The pandemic has brought that potential undoing even closer. For the moment, the biggest grocery-only businesses in the country, Kroger and Albertson’s, are still strong companies. Now is the time for them to act, while they can, while the online grocery business is still fluid enough for anyone to become a key player in the business. Kroger and Albertson’s have what they need to do it; whether they will take that opportunity or keep doing what they know will depend on their leadership’s character, vision and moxie.

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