Tag: Breakthrough

Breakthrough in understanding cosmic forces that shape Earth’s heliosphere: Astrophysicists reach another milestone on their quest to understand the heliosphere

A multi-institutional team of astrophysicists headquartered at Boston University, led by BU astrophysicist Merav Opher, has made a breakthrough discovery in our understanding of...

Pillar of support: Breakthrough discovery could speed up bone implant recovery

An international research team led by Monash University has uncovered a new technique that could speed up recovery from bone replacements by altering the...

Scientists make 3-D heart scan breakthrough for animals and humans

The University of Manchester scientists have created the most detailed ever 3-D scan of a rare form of congenital heart...

Magnetic attraction: Breakthrough test for malaria

After nearly a decade of research, a new test that detects the magnetic properties of malaria-infected blood could soon be used to help eliminate...

Breakthrough in quantum photonics promises a new era in optical circuits: Method to enable quantum optical circuits that use photons–heralds a new future for...

The modern world is powered by electrical circuitry on a "chip" -- the semiconductor chip underpinning computers, cell phones, the internet, and other applications....

Pioneering technique paves way for fast and cheap fabrication of rapid medical diagnostic tools: Breakthrough promises to democratise microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip technology, benefiting resource-poor...

New technology developed by the University of Bristol has the potential to accelerate uptake and development of on-chip diagnostic techniques in parts of the...

Breakthrough in mobile determination of QT prolongation

Researchers from Mayo Clinic and AliveCor Inc. have been using artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a mobile device that can identify certain patients at...

The Study Breakthrough | Hack your mind for better grades without any extra work

Product Name: The Study Breakthrough | Hack your mind for better grades without any extra work Click here to get The Study Breakthrough | Hack...

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