Tag: Chemists

Chemists synthesize an improved building block for medicines

Chemists have overcome a major hurdle in synthesizing a more stable form of heterocycle -- a family of organic compounds that are a common...

Chemists discover why photosynthetic light-harvesting is so efficient: The disorganized arrangement of the proteins in light-harvesting complexes is the key to their extreme efficiency

When photosynthetic cells absorb light from the sun, packets of energy called photons leap between a series of light-harvesting proteins until they reach the...

Chemists boost boron’s utility

Boron, a metalloid element that sits next to carbon in the periodic table, has many traits that make it potentially useful as a drug...

Chemists settle battery debate, propel research forward

A team of researchers led by chemists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory has identified new details of the reaction...

Chemists harness synergy effect of gallium

Chemists at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena have demonstrated the value of 'teamwork' by successfully harnessing the interaction between two gallium atoms in a...

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