Tag: infant

The Boeing 737 Max Crisis Reignites Arguments Over Infant Safety on Planes

As terrible as that tradeoff is, it’s worth noting that the risk of death on a commercial airliner to anyone, lap-held infants included, remains...

Scientists find evidence the early solar system harbored a gap between its inner and outer regions: The cosmic boundary, perhaps caused by a young...

In the early solar system, a "protoplanetary disk" of dust and gas rotated around the sun and eventually coalesced into the planets we know...

Gut bacteria influence brain development: Researchers discover biomarkers that indicate early brain injury in extreme premature infants

Extremely premature infants are at a high risk for brain damage. Researchers have now found possible targets for the early treatment of such damage...

Artificial lung supports pre-term babies in distress

An international team led by current and former McMaster University researchers has developed an artificial lung to support pre-term and other newborn babies in...

A Next-Generation Infant Formula—The Closest To Mother’s Milk Yet—Made With Biology

When breastfeeding isn’t an option, a new bioengineering-enabled formula may be the next best thing Mother’s milk is always...

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