Tag: legalize

Challenges And Opportunities for Cannabis Beverage Makers

This is part two in a series on the cannabis beverage industry. Click here for part one. ...

Cannabis Ballot Wins Pave The Way For Social Justice Action By States And Companies

Cannabis bud and leaf with handcuffs depicting legal, law and decriminalization concepts getty In the Unites...

On 4/20, ACLU Highlights Racist Marijuana Enforcement In New Report

April 20, or 4/20, is a day when many people across the world celebrate marijuana culture by toking up, jamming out to tunes and...

Trump Hires Anti-Marijuana White House Press Secretary

President Trump has a new White House press secretary—one who appears to disagree with him on whether states should be able to legalize marijuana....

Coronavirus Upends Marijuana, Psychedelics And Drug Reform Ballot Measures

Marijuana and drug policy reform advocates came into 2020 believing it would be a big—and perhaps unprecedented—year for legalization and decriminalization measures on state...

Mississippi Lawmakers Put Competing Medical Marijuana Measure On Ballot, Frustrating Advocates

Voters in Mississippi will see two separate medical marijuana items on the ballot when they go to their polling places in November. ...

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