Tag: what entrepreneur means

What is Customer Perception? – 6 Factors Influencing It

It’s no secret that customer perception is one of the most important aspects of running a successful business. Without a positive perception of your...

Entrepreneurs, Use The Recession Or Economic Slowdown As An Opportunity To Reset The Business

We can feel that the economy is slowing. Perhaps, as many analysts predict, we are even headed into a recession. Venture capitalist and private...

Effective Stress Management for CEOs

Stress is everywhere—among CEOs and employees alike—with a recent survey by The Marcum LLP and Hofstra University School of Business indicating that top executives...

4 Important Values To Instill In Your Early-Stage Startup

While it might seem that thinking about culture is a luxury in the early stages of a project, it is something you cannot afford...

Growing Pains: Do European Software Founders Lack The Confidence To Scale?

Does the European software industry have a problem? On the face of it, no. Although we Europeans - and I include my home turf...

7 Entrepreneur Hashtags to Use for Social Media

Hashtags are a great way to engage with your audience on social media and can also be very helpful in promoting your business. Read...

Fascinating Founders Who Are Social Entrepreneurs

Younger generations are rising up and searching for accountability in the business world. This has led corporations and startups to change for the better....

Council Post: Eight Precautions Companies Can Take To Safeguard Their Mobile Apps Against Cyberattacks

Releasing a mobile app is often an exciting next step in many entrepreneurs’ journeys after their websites are up and running successfully. However, in...

Reinventure Capital Re-Envisions The Venture Capital Market To Bridge Racial And Gender Wealth Gaps

As venture capital investments hit record heights with each year in the United States — topping $330 billion in 2021 — most of that...

Best Examples of Social Entrepreneurship, and Why It’s Awesome

Ask anyone what they think about entrepreneurship, and the answer would always inevitably be that it’s all related to money-making. The common perception is...

More Big Companies Are Hiring Freelancers. That’s Good News For The Self-Employed

A growing number of employers are turning to freelancers for help during the current labor shortage, and self-employed professionals are reaping the benefits of...

How Cooler Screens Plans to Build a Cooler Future

When Arsen Avakian was CEO and co-founder of Argo Tea, he observed many people using their smartphone screens to access information while they shopped...

How to Boost Sales on Etsy: 12 Simple Steps

Etsy is the top platform for selling handmade products, and with over $10.48 billion in gross sales in 2020 alone, it can be a...

Top Tips for a Serial Entrepreneur in a New Industry

Being a serial entrepreneur means that you are always on the move. You are always looking for the next big thing. As such, you...

6 Reasons Strategies Fail During Difficult Times…and How to Avoid Them

Even in good times, 61% of organizations struggle to implement strategies. But these are not good times. The bull market that has held for...

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