Trump Pays Zero Taxes Most Years: Here Are 8 Times He Attacks Others On Taxes

Reporting today by The New York Times concludes that Trump was “far more successful playing a business mogul than being one in real life.” This was the conclusion after investigative reporters reviewed Donald Trump’s tax-return data. Here are three big takeaways from the reporting.

  1. The New York Times reveals that President Donald Trump has not paid any income taxes in 10 of the past 15 years. It goes on to note that Trump paid only $750—yes, that is just $750—in income taxes in 2016 and 2017; these are the years he ran for president and the first year of his presidency.
  2. Trump declared $1.4 billion in losses from his core businesses for the years of 2008 and 2009.
  3. Trump has accrued loans totaling $421 million, and most of these debts are due and payable within the next four years.

8 times Trump attacks others on taxes.

Will failed businesses and tax avoidance damage the career legacy and brand Trump created?

President Donald Trump has built his career and legacy on the premise that he has been a successful businessman and mogul, and he proclaims that he achieved this success because of his business savvy and negotiation skills. While being considered for the presidency in 2016, Donald Trump promised to release his tax returns, but ultimately never did, and he has been fighting an ongoing court battle to prevent the release of his tax returns ever since.

In the investigative report, The New York Times reveals that a confidential source provided it with Trump’s tax-return data, but in order to maintain the anonymity for the sources who took “enormous personal risk,” The New York Times informs it will not make Trump’s tax-return data public.

During a press briefing today, President Trump was asked about the report, and he called it “a total fake” and responded with, “I pay a lot, and I pay a lot in state income taxes.”

The bottom line:

The bottom line is that The New York Times reporting concludes that Trump has been “far more successful playing a business mogul than being one in real life.” Before being elected president, Trump was a businessman and television personality, and he put forward a brand that represented himself to have great wealth. He touted his great business mind and co-authored a best-selling book highlighting his superior negotiation skills.

If the reporting proves true, Trump’s entire career legacy could be shattered. Instead of having great wealth, the reporting today suggests that he has been losing billions for years. Instead of having a great business mind, Trump could come to be viewed as a “loser” given that he lost his entire inheritance of nearly $400 million, and his businesses have been losing money year over year.

From what we know of Donald Trump as a businessman and now as the president, none of this reporting aligns with how he wants the world viewing him. Everything in this reporting goes against the brand that Trump has spent his entire life building.

It makes one wonder whether Donald Trump will come to regret his decision to run for president in the first place given the extent of damage that doing so has caused his prized brand.

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