Arbitration, Not Rate-Setting, Is The Answer To Surprise Billing


At a time when medical professionals are under unprecedented stress dealing with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, it would seem that members of Congress would be loath to support a legislative proposal that would benefit insurers at the expense of providers. But that’s what one lawmaker is apparently trying to do by inserting language into a COVID-19 relief package that could lower physician reimbursement rates by as much as twenty percent over the next decade.

The effort is being cast as a fix to the so-called surprise billing issue, which everyone agrees must be addressed, but it’s the wrong approach.  

It’s worth pointing out that there is a lot right with the U.S. healthcare industry at present, which should serve as a reminder that the system can produce great outcomes at its best. 

The fact that our pharmaceutical companies have apparently been able to develop a remarkably effective vaccine and will begin to vaccinate people within a year of the COVID-19 pandemic reaching our country is an amazing accomplishment. And while many decry how much the U.S. spends on healthcare, the fact that we devote a lot to it is precisely what allowed the industry to quickly throw resources at coming up with a vaccine quickly. 

At the same time, the way we finance healthcare in our country has a lot to be desired. Because of an accident of history, the majority of people get their healthcare coverage from their employer. And since most of our healthcare expenses are covered by our “insurance,” we tend to consume a lot of healthcare. 

Thus, health insurers face constant pressure to reduce costs. One way they do so is by negotiating with a few healthcare providers to send them all of their patients in exchange for a sizable discount from their normal prices.

This practice can create a problem: if people covered by such plans aren’t diligent about where they seek services, they may inadvertently end up getting treated by a provider that is not in their narrow preferred network and receive a surprise medical bill for their out-of-network treatment.

This can happen in myriad situations: for instance, someone who has a medical emergency and gets picked up by an ambulance usually has little say as to the hospital he is brought to. If it is out of his network he will likely receive a bill for the difference between his insurers’ negotiated in-network prices for the services and the hospital’s out-of-network prices. 

I’ve suggested elsewhere that a reasonable solution would be to create an arbitration procedure for adjudicating these differences, with special care being taken so as to not penalize providers who are outside that network. 

However, that does not appear to be the priority of the House of Representatives, which is attempting to pass some sort of legislative solution to surprise billing that would, in essence, do precisely that: penalize providers who are outside that network. 

Congressman Frank Pallone, chair of the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee (which I once served as its chief economist) is reportedly trying to insert language into a COVID-19 relief package of legislation that doctors and other experts say would dramatically cut reimbursement rates over the next 10 years. The language would tie the default prices for out-of-network specialists to the median in-network price. 

While that may seem reasonable at first blush, it is anything but. Such a rule would essentially take away the negotiating power of most healthcare providers. They will be given a Hobson’s choice: either they join the network, accept the low in-network prices set by the insurers and have access to the client base, or hold out and get none of the network’s insured patients—save for those who mistakenly visit their facilities, for which they will receive something akin to network rate they refused ex ante.

In short, the Pallone solution completely disrupts the bargaining game between insurers and providers in favor of the insurers. 

Lawmakers should resist this proposal in normal times, but especially in the middle of a pandemic

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