See The U.S. Slow Down As Coronavirus Spreads In This Interactive Map

The bustling heart of New York City has become eerily quiet. In Manhattan south of Central Park, with its office towers, restaurants and stores empty of the workers who normally pour in from throughout the region, the number of people out and about Friday was off 87% compared to the same day in the first week of March, before the coronavirus pandemic took off in the U.S.

That’s among the largest declines in movement in a country that has slowed down dramatically as states and local governments have ordered residents to stay at home to curb the spread of the disease. Nationwide, there were 40% fewer trips taken Saturday compared to March 7, according to an analysis of cellphone users’ movements conducted by the Swiss firm Teralytics for Forbes.

But the decline in movement has been uneven, with the steepest falls in coastal urban areas, and only slight changes to increases in trip numbers in a patchwork of rural counties. Click through the interactive map below to see the change in trip counts over the past month on a county-by-county basis.

The 40% decline in movement in the United States compares to a 67% fall in over the same span in hard-hit Italy, which had the most confirmed deaths in the world from the disease until the U.S. passed it on Saturday.

In the U.S., Teralytics says it acquires anonymized data on tens of millions of cellphone users’ movements from a single major telecom provider, whose name it won’t reveal. It didn’t make estimates for counties where it has data for less than 5% of the population.              

New York City, the worst-hit part of the U.S. with 31% of total deaths nationwide, has seen the steepest drop in movement among urban areas, by Teralytics’ analysis. Daily trip numbers are off 60% to 70% in northern Manhattan and large swathes of Queens and Brooklyn.

Meanwhile daily trip counts have fallen by smaller amounts or been flat in some counties north of New York City where wealthy city dwellers have fled to their second homes, like Columbia, Greene and Delaware.

In San Francisco and Silicon Valley, where tech giants were the first large U.S. companies to send workers home, travel has been down 50% to 65% most days since March 17, after many northern California counties issued shelter in place orders.

Over the past month, travel has declined less – or even risen — in some rural areas and conservative states in the South and West where authorities were slower to restrict movements and skepticism has been rife over the threat the disease poses.

There are shades of grey to comparing rural areas to urban counties, public health experts at John Hopkins University say. Rural residents may have to travel more to buy necessities, and also may feel less threatened to move around given lower population densities.

But inconsistent messaging on social distancing and lack of policing by local authorities create conditions where the disease can spread. “There’s still churches that are holding meetings, there are still stores that are open,” says Alain Labrique, an epidemiologist and director of an initiative at Johns Hopkins to harness cell phones to improve the delivery of health care. “Until there’s enforcement of these guidelines there will be places where they’ll be poorly adhered to.”

While cities have been the worst-hit so far, evidence is mounting that the virus has begun to spread more in rural areas in the last few weeks.

Meanwhile, with signs that the pandemic may be peaking in New York and other hot spots, the Trump administration and state officials are beginning to plan when to relax restrictions.

Ultimately the mental pressures of isolation and the financial pressures for people who don’t have the types of white collar work that can be done at home may mean that stay at home orders need to be relaxed sooner than optimal from a disease control standpoint.

“We don’t have enough safety nets in place for people who are losing income,” says Smisha Agarwal, a professor at the John Hopkins school of public health. “As stay at home orders continue compliance will decrease.”

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