New Partnership Makes Names Of Cannabis Prisoners Front And Center

For many, the biggest casualties of the War on Drugs have been those convicted and incarcerated for minor cannabis offenses. To address this social injustice, the Last Prisoner Project, a nonprofit focused on cannabis criminal justice reform, and Nugg Club, a cannabis subscription box service, have teamed up to keep the names of cannabis prisoners front of mind in a way that is highly reminiscent of the POW bracelets worn during the 1970s.

The partnership, which kicks off this month, features a special subscription box that will display the names of individuals who have been imprisoned across the U.S. for nonviolent cannabis offenses. Products in the February box will include brands that support social justice. It will also include for Nugg Club members a call-to-action to participate in LPP’s “Letter to a Prisoner” program and donate to the organization.

According to a spokesperson, Nugg Club has already donated $2,500 to LLP. The spokesperson estimates that between donations from members and proceeds from sales of Schedule 1, Nugg Club’s new cannabis flower brand that will be included in the special subscription box, over $10,000 will be donated to LLP the next six months.

Mary Bailey, managing director of LPP, lauds the partnership with Nugg Club as it will amplify the voices of protest against “discriminatory polices that have imprisoned too many.” She also hopes that it will induce “every cannabis company” to follow Nugg Club’s lead and “join in the fight to ensure that every person convicted of a non-violent cannabis crime in the U.S. is set free.”

Alex Milligan, chief marketing officer of Nugg Club, said in a public statement that the company’s involvement in the partnership is their way of doing their part to “address a system that imprisons a disproportionate number of black and brown people for non-violent cannabis crimes even as more states across the U.S. fully legalize cannabis.”

Nugg Club was launched in 2020 and serves patients in California, Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri and New Jersey.

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