Retail Giving Back – How Iceland Foods Adopted The Penguins At Chester Zoo

During this pandemic, retail has really stepped up in so many different ways, whether it be the Co-op donating millions to support foodbanks, or Morrisons pledging to donate £10 million worth of stock to foodbanks, and now it’s the turn of Iceland Foods. No stranger to supporting the community through its charitable foundation, on this occasion it is helping something rather closer to home.

One of the victims of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic have been zoos, which have been closed since March 21. Like many other businesses, their very existence has come under threat. One such is Chester Zoo in the north west of England.

As large businesses based close to each other, Iceland has a longstanding relationship with Chester Zoo. With two million visitors a year, the zoo contributes over £83.1 million to the regional economy, supports over 1,700 jobs, protects wildlife in more than thirty countries around the world and engages over 150,000 young people. It is the U.K.’s largest and most popular charity zoo.

Revenue from visitors makes up 97% of the zoo’s income. By last week, its closure from the end of March had cost over £5 million – it costs £465,000 a month just to care for the zoo’s 35,000 animals.

With additional outgoings for utilities, insurance, maintenance, security and the basic administration services needed to keep ticking over, as well as global conservation projects and scientific research to carry out, the zoo needs £1.6 million a month just to keep going.

However, the Government’s decision to keep it closed indefinitely meant it was heading towards debt in excess of £24 million by the end of 2020 – putting the future of the zoo itself at risk of extinction.

On June 3 the zoo team mobilised and launched their ‘Save our Zoo’ campaign – putting out an urgent call for help and asking the public to join as members, adopt an animal, or make a donation.

Iceland managing director, Richard Walker said, “As soon as I saw Chester Zoo’s call for help, I knew we needed to do something – the zoo is close to all of our hearts and the Government’s stance was just not making sense.

“Iceland’s penguin adoption gained international attention because it was driven authentically by lots of colleagues who asked me to take action; represented an important, emotive cause, and gave everyone a call to action they could answer easily. Families love Chester Zoo and adopting a whole rookery of penguins also put a smile on everyone’s face at a time when there’s not very much to celebrate”.

Jamie Christon, chief operating officer at Chester Zoo, said, “Just a few weeks ago we were in despair, not knowing when we would reopen, or if we could even survive if our gates had to remain closed for much longer. But, after a whirlwind of a week, which saw us publicly campaign following an unexpected forced indefinite closure, our global community of supporters spoke out passionately and the result has been an incredible change in legislation, allowing zoos in England to open again this month.

“It’s a huge relief to see visitors back at the zoo and there’s once again a real buzz of excitement about the place. However, while celebratory, it’s important to recognise that the past three months of closure means there will still be some very challenging times ahead”.

So, if you want to help, buy your Penguin chocolate biscuits from Iceland this week because all the profits will be donated to Chester Zoo. Another example of the good which retail can do in their local communities.

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