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Another Grim New Record: U.S. Tops 180,000 New Infections Friday, Covid Cases Rising In All 50 States

Another Grim New Record: U.S. Tops 180,000 New Infections Friday, Covid Cases Rising In All 50 States


The United States once again shattered the record for most new coronavirus cases reported in a single day, as U.S. health officials recorded more than 180,000 new Covid-19 infections on Friday, and with cases on the rise in all 50 states, several governors are beginning to implement ramped up restrictions.

Key Facts

A total of 181,194 new cases and at least 1,389 new coronavirus deaths were reported in the United States on Friday, according to a New York Times database.

As of last Tuesday, the U.S. had never recorded more than 94,000 cases in a single day, yet the current seven-day average of new daily cases is now more than 140,000 (an alarming increase of 76% compared to Nov. 1).

According to the Covid Tracking Project, hospitalizations due to Covid-19 infections also set a new record on Friday, climbing to 68,516.

Key Background:

With cases spiking in North Dakota, and hospitals drastically understaffed, Gov. Doug Burgum (R) finally introduced a mask mandate on Friday, for the first time since the start of the pandemic. Up until this point, Burgum has resisted imposing any restrictions, stressing personal responsibility instead of mandated requirements. Earlier this week, Burgum announced that healthcare workers with asymptomatic cases of Covid-19 could continue working in hospitals and nursing homes. New Mexico Gov. Lujan Grisham said Friday that her state is at a “breaking point,” adding, “We face a life-or-death situation” and “will act to preserve the lives of New Mexicans.” Grisham issued a stay at home order that goes into effect on Monday. Essential businesses in New Mexico may operate only at “limited occupancy,” and state residents may leave their homes only for “essential trips.” On Friday, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announced a “two-week freeze” on nonessential businesses and activities such as gyms and entertainment venues. The new restrictions are scheduled to start Wednesday and run through early December. Colorado Gov. Jared Polis said, “These are our darkest days as a nation. They are our darkest days as a state.” 


President Trump made his first public appearance of the week on Friday at a press conference where he announced that a Covid-19 vaccine could be available to most Americans by April. However, he did not mention the coronavirus outbreaks currently running rampant throughout the country and killing more than 1,000 Americans daily. 

Critical Quote: 

“Everyone is tired of this pandemic and restrictions on our lives. I’m tired, and I know you are tired too. But as we saw earlier this year, these mitigation measures work,” said Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam. 

Big Number:

10 Million. As of Saturday morning, at least 10,818,600 Americans have been infected with the coronavirus, and at least 244,200 have died, according to the New York Times.

Further Reading:

Daily coronavirus cases are rising in all 50 states (CBS News) 

Hard-hit North Dakota reverses course and announces restrictions, as more U.S. records fall (NYT)

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