Home Business As New Coronavirus Cases Rise In Russia, Putin Calls For ‘Extraordinary Measures’

As New Coronavirus Cases Rise In Russia, Putin Calls For ‘Extraordinary Measures’


Vladimir Putin’s two decades at the top of Russian politics have been all about keeping current events predictable for those in power. Coronavirus has changed all that.

It has also changed it at a crucial moment in Putin’s career, and the country’s history. The pandemic had already forced the Kremlin to put off a national vote—scheduled for April 22—to approve amendments to the constitution. The proposals could have permitted Putin to stay in power beyond the current limits on presidential terms, which would have obliged him to leave office in 2024.

Popular approval of the plans would have been a clear signal that Putin remained firmly in control as he entered the third decade since he was first elected president.

That must now wait, as Putin conceded in a TV address March 25. Even so, the following day his spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, insisted there was “de facto no epidemic in Russia”, and expressed the hope Russia might “avoid one.”

Putin’s Warning

Now the mood in Russia is significantly less optimistic.

“We really do need extraordinary measures to halt the spread of the infection,” Putin said April 14, in remarks reported by the TASS news agency.

The measures the Russian authorities have introduced so far have not succeeded in doing that. Moscow has been in lockdown since late March, with restrictions now due to remain in place until April 30.

Despite that, the number of coronavirus infections has continued to rise. TASS cited official figures April 14 saying that there had been 2,774 new cases in the preceding 24 hours, taking the total in Russia past 21,000. So far, there have been 170 deaths.

Threat Of Shortage Of Hospital Beds

Long lines of ambulances carrying suspected COVID-19 have been seen waiting to enter hospitals. Health officials are warning of a looming shortage of hospital beds, Reuters reported.

So what do the Russian public make of the crisis? So far, according to opinion polls, they are fairly equally divided over the extent of the threat it represents: 48% of those who responded in a survey published April 13 by the Levada-Center saw it as “likely” or “very likely” that there would be an epidemic in Russia, with the same percentage seeing that as “not very likely” or “not at all likely.”

With public information such a vital part of curbing the spread of the disease, the Russian authorities might be concerned by the fact that almost 60% of those questioned responded that they trusted official information on the coronavirus situation “only partially” or “not at all.”

Army Could Be Deployed

Facing a possible public health crisis, Putin has suggested that the army could be deployed to help efforts bring the outbreak under control.

The ceremonial highlight of this spring in Russia—a parade to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany in WWII—is also supposed to involve the military.

There’s no final word yet on whether, with the virus still spreading in Russia, that can go ahead as planned. Like other leaders the world over, Putin is finding that coronavirus is making life unpredictable even for the most powerful.



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