Home Business Audiobook Company Libro.fm Has Tripled Its Membership Growth Rate Since February

Audiobook Company Libro.fm Has Tripled Its Membership Growth Rate Since February

Audiobook Company Libro.fm Has Tripled Its Membership Growth Rate Since February

Coronavirus-related lockdowns swept the nation across the month of March, and apparently plenty of homebound citizens are turning to audiobooks to pass the time. Seattle-based audiobook service Libro.fm grew its membership 300% more across March than it did in February, alongside the most listening in the company’s history.

Libro.fm’s total audiobook listening rose 70% in March, compared to the previous month.

A large part of that growth might be due to the company’s #ShopBookstoresNow campaign, launched on March 15 to benefit local bookstores. Using the code “SHOPBOOKSTORESNOW,” audiobook lovers could sign up for membership to receive two audiobooks for the price of one — with 100% of their payment going to a participating local bookstore of their choice.

Audiobook lovers can also shop from a selection of audiobooks in order to send 100% of the titles’ sales price to a local bookstore as well. Current Libro.fm members (who pay about $15/month to get one audiobook credit per month) can chose from the selected titles in order to send $15 towards their preferred local bookstore.

The campaign has raised over $73,600 for more than 670 local bookstores across the US and Canada since its launch, thanks to 3,264 new members. Audiobook listens in general are up as well.

“Since bookstores have had to close their physical stores, book lovers who want to support them through print and audiobooks are now buying online like they have never done before,” says Mark Pearson, Libro.fm’s CEO and cofounder.

Ebooks come with a big advantage during a lockdown, as they can be downloaded instantly. Audiobooks offer that same benefit, but they can do ebooks one better:

“Audiobooks are a lifesaver for families who are stuck at home as they can instantly download audiobooks for their kids to escape into a story without staring at a screen,” Pearson says. “We also set a record for gift memberships in a single month as audiobooks are easy to give digitally and support your local bookstore.”

Now’s the best time to push for supporting local businesses, as they all face losses and an uncertain future in the wake of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Interestingly, podcast download numbers have dipped recently, due to the lack of a commute: Podcast company Stitcher reports an average drop in listening during morning commute hours of 20%, compared to an average dip of just 4% the rest of the day. Perhaps audiobook listeners have different habits compared to podcast listeners, although it’s undeniable that Libro.fm’s call to support local bookstores has struck a chord.

Libro.fm’s growth is a welcome bit of good news in an industry that has suffered in multiple ways due to the pandemic, which has spurred a surge of major publishing conference cancellations and temporary bookstore closures.



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