Home Business Author Post: A Lizard, a French Philosopher, and Your Money

Author Post: A Lizard, a French Philosopher, and Your Money


A lizard, french philosopher, and your money walk into a bar. It sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. Ironically, when it comes to how we make financial decisions, a lizard and a french philosopher have more in common than you might think.

One of the biggest challenges I see as I talk to people all over the country is that there is a constant struggle to save money. According to a 2019 CNBC article, some 40% of Americans would struggle to come up with $400 to cover an unexpected expense. And as many have found, having a plan to save doesn’t always result in progress. Conscious saving alone isn’t working out for most people. How can this be?

After all, it’s not that we don’t have access to information about savings. There are certainly a few apps for that. Let’s not forget all the blogs, podcasts, books, and influencers telling us how they saved and got themselves out of debt. It would appear to be easy. Just cut back on a few lattes and—bam! You win. But when you see the statistics and talk to people, you quickly find that something isn’t working out. 

This is where the lizard comes in. The Limbic Cortex, or Lizard Brain, sits at the base of your brain stem. It’s central to all of our primal urges: fighting, feeding, fleeing, and… reproduction. Its primary goal is to keep us alive. However, it also is what makes it hard for us to break habits that don’t serve us, especially around money.

If you are notorious for not paying your bills on time because you “forget” or you fail to save money for that goal that is plastered all over your vision board, then your lizard brain could be to blame. Or perhaps, you become hyper self-critical or continuously make excuses for why you need to buy something now and not wait. Or you might even become obsessed with how people are judging you. This is all coming from that lizard side of us.

Bottom line: we aren’t wired to make rational decisions, that includes how we handle our money. This part of our brain, the lizard part, is just waiting to sabotage our behavior.

And then here comes that French philosopher, Denis Diderot. You remember him? He was the one with the scarlet robe. In short, he acquires this new scarlet robe and once he has it, he realizes that it doesn’t go with anything he already has. So what does he do? He starts buying other stuff to go with the scarlet robe. In the end, he spends all his money on his new purchases and goes broke. And thus, the Diderot Effect was born.

Essentially, the Diderot Effect states that once we acquire something new, we get spun into this pattern of consumption, buying more and more things.

This is why it is almost impossible to earn your way into saving. As many of us earn more, we will inevitably find a way to spend more. You feel you deserve an upgrade. A better car, a bigger house, newer clothes, or just more “stuff” in general. This is your lizard brain and the Diderot Effect in action.

Yeah, I know that there are those random few who will increase their savings when they earn more, but if you look closely you will see that rarely does an increase in saving match the increase in earning. To really get ahead, you can’t just be a conscious saver, you also have to be a conscious spender.

The good news is that there’s a simple way to accomplish this. Take all the financial decisions you make in a day and build in perspective by creating a pause. This gives you time to transfer the decision-making process out of the lizard brain and put it where it belongs, in your neocortex. That’s the part of your brain that is creative, analytical, and rational. By doing so, you give this critical part of your brain time to catch up. And you allow the Diderot effect to take a much needed time out.

Now, I am not going to propose that you should never spend money, but I do want to encourage you to think about what is really going on when you get that urge to do so. This brief, but critical pause is what will actually give you the chance to be in control of your spending and saving.

Once you understand how this automatic behavior works, you can choose to acknowledge it, say “hello”, and make a different decision. To achieve your goals you have to remember what is important to you. What are your values? What really matters to you?

It isn’t enough to hope and wish your way into financial success, you have to create systems that help you get there. You have to become more conscious of what your mindset is and how it might be sabotaging your efforts. Creating a pause like this gives you the ability to readjust your mind and make a decision to choose to become your best self. To become both a conscious spender and a conscious saver.



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