Home Business Beijing In ‘Wartime Emergency Mode’ After New Coronavirus Cluster Found At Market

Beijing In ‘Wartime Emergency Mode’ After New Coronavirus Cluster Found At Market

Beijing In ‘Wartime Emergency Mode’ After New Coronavirus Cluster Found At Market


Beijing is back under partial lockdown with the discovery of dozens of new Covid-19 cases tied to a local market, nearly two months since the city reported its last domestic transmission and as the city was thought to have quelled the virus.


Six new domestic infections in Beijing were reported on Saturday, all with ties to the Xinfadi food market and further testing at the market found 45 asymptomatic cases, according to The Guardian.

Before the first case of the outbreak was detected Thursday, the Chinese capital had gone 55 days with the only new reported infections being residents returning home from foreign countries.

With restaurants and shops back open, day-to-day life in Beijing seemed to be returning to normal, but the new cluster has meant the return of strict social distancing measures like lockdowns for 11 neighborhoods near the market, a suspension on tourists from other regions, the cancellation of sporting events and the planned reopening of local primary schools being pushed back. 

Salmon has also been pulled from grocery stores both in Beijing and nationwide after salmon cutting boards at the market reportedly tested positive for the virus.

Officials have ordered 139 contacts of people infected to quarantine, and plan to test 10,000 more people who work at the market.


“In accordance with the principle of putting the safety of the masses and health first, we have adopted lockdown measures for the Xinfadi market and surrounding neighbourhoods,” district official Chu Junweia told the media this week, adding that the district is in “wartime emergency mode.”


Xinfadi food market bills itself as the largest wholesale agricultural market on the continent, and reportedly provides the vast majority of Beijing’s fruits and vegetables. The outbreak has drawn comparisons to the case of the market in Wuhan, China, where the Covid-19 pandemic is believed to have originated. China appears to have passed the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, thanks to strict lockdowns early on in the crisis and widespread contact tracing. However, China has faced accusations of not being transparent amid the pandemic and of reporting false Covid-19 numbers. On Saturday, China had nearly 85,000 confirmed Covid-19 cases and had counted about 4,600 deaths.

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