Home Business Biden Doubles Lead Over Trump In Michigan, New Poll Finds

Biden Doubles Lead Over Trump In Michigan, New Poll Finds



A newly released poll shows that Democrat Joe Biden has opened up a 12 percentage point lead over President Donald Trump in Michigan, one of the Rust Belt states that was key to Trump’s 2016 victory and one he hopes to keep in his win column in the November presidential election.


The poll, administered by EPIC-MRA for the Detroit Free Press, showed Biden leading Trump 53%-41%, with most of the likely voters saying they are unhappy with Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

That lead is twice what it was in an earlier EPIC-MRA survey that was done in January, which had Biden leading 50%-44%.

The new poll, conducted between May 30 and June 3, found that 58% of voters had a negative view of how Trump has handled the coronavirus pandemic, with 63% now saying that the country is headed in the wrong direction—up from 50% who said that in the January survey.

The poll also showed very strong numbers for incumbent Democratic U.S. Senator Gary Peters, who is facing a challenge from Republican John James.

Peters led James 51%-36% in the new poll, with Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also holding a strong 55% approval rating.

This poll shows better results for Biden compared with most other polls done in the state, but all have shown Biden with a lead as of late, with the former Vice President holding a 7.3 percentage point lead over Trump in the RealClear Politics polling average.


Trump winning traditionally blue states like Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania in 2016 was seen as key to him taking the presidency, with many surprised at the results given the polling lead Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton held in those states leading up to the election. 

Looking toward the November election, polls again show Trump trailing the Democrat in the race, but in many cases by wider margins than he dealt with four years ago. He’s especially taken a dip in the polls since the country has had to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, with many not approving of the way Trump has handled the pandemic.


In 2016, Trump became the first Republican to carry Michigan in a presidential election since George H.W. Bush in 1988.


Joe Biden has doubled his lead over Donald Trump in Michigan, poll says (Detroit Free Press)

Biden’s Lead Grows Slightly As Trump’s Approval Crashes In Polls (Forbes)



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