Home Business Biden Endorsed By Postal Workers Union Amid Upheaval At USPS

Biden Endorsed By Postal Workers Union Amid Upheaval At USPS



On the heels of President Trump’s admission that he’s withholding funding from the U.S. Postal Service to curb mail-in voting and controversial changes at the Service that have slowed the arrival of primary ballots, Former Vice President Joe Biden was endorsed Friday by the National Association of Letter Carriers.


The NALC, which represents nearly 300,000 postal workers, called Biden “a fierce ally and defender of the United States Postal Service,” and said Biden and Harris had the experience and thoughtfulness to “ensure letter carriers and working families are put first.”

The endorsement is in part a reaction to Trump’s and Republican’s refusal to fund the USPS “while postal employees are on the front lines providing essential services to the public every day.”

Trump, who has spent much of the year deriding the Postal Service, and who despite a lack of evidence, has said that widespread mail-in voting would lead to rampant voter fraud, admitted Thursday he’s holding up the coronavirus stimulus bill over Democratic demands for USPS funding that would help the Postal Service process the millions of expected mail in ballots in the November election.

DeJoy admitted to their being “unintended consequences” to the Postal Service’s new policies, which include no overtime pay and cuts to transportation costs, but has stuck by his plan to transform the USPS despite outcries from postal workers.

The Postal Service issued letters to 46 states and Washington D.C. warning their election deadlines could result in ballots being delivered too late to be counted, heightening concerns about how the USPS will handle the November election.

Key Background

DeJoy, a major Trump donor and GOP fundraiser, was appointed Postmaster General in May despite having no experience at the Postal Service. He has donated $1.2 million to the Trump Victory Fund and was in charge of fundraising for the Republican National Convention. His changes to the Postal Service have caused speculation that DeJoy is working in tandem with Trump to quash mail-in ballot efforts, though DeJoy denied he was working with the President. According to the NALC, the Trump administration has tried to undermine the Postal Service since 2018 when a report by the White House Postal Service Task Force called for the revocation of collective bargaining rights by America’s postal unions, massive cuts to services, and the potential privatization of the agency.

Further Reading

NALC endorses Biden-Harris (National Association of Letter Carriers)

Trump Admits To Blocking USPS Funding Over Mail-In Voting, Biden Slams Move As ‘Pure Trump’ (Forbes)

Postmaster General Acknowledges ‘Unintended Consequences’ Of USPS Changes Causing Mail Delays (Forbes)

Pennsylvania Wants Votes Postmarked On Election Day To Count After USPS Warns Of Delays (Forbes)

Postal Service Warns Mail-In Ballots In 46 States May Not Be Delivered In Time (Forbes)

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