Home Business Bobby Winkles, Famed Arizona State Baseball Coach Dies At 90

Bobby Winkles, Famed Arizona State Baseball Coach Dies At 90

Bobby Winkles, Famed Arizona State Baseball Coach Dies At 90

Bobby Winkles, the first varsity baseball coach in Arizona State’s history, died April 17, 2020, after a lengthy illness in Indian Wells, California. He was 90. The architect of three College World Series championships during his 13-year tenure with the Sun Devils started his baseball career from humble beginnings in rural Swifton, Arkansas.

“It was a town of 526 people,” Winkles said during a 2009 interview. “Our house didn’t have electricity or indoor plumbing. We didn’t have any lights to study by.”

Despite the primitive conditions, Winkles defied the odds and went to college at Illinois Wesleyan University. He was a star for both their baseball and basketball teams. After batting .427 his junior year, Winkles drew attention from multiple major league teams. He leaned on his trusted coach Jack Horenberger for guidance.

“Coach Hornberger was like a second father for me,” Winkles said. “Chicago [White Sox] was first; I did pretty well. … We went to the general manager’s office. I said, ‘My coach speaks for me.’”

His response caught White Sox general manager Frank “Trader” Lane off guard. Lane was a shrewd negotiator, and the last thing he expected was for Winkles’ coach to do his bidding.

“He said, ‘Bobby is the captain of the baseball team and captain of the basketball team next year. We appreciate coming to tryout, but he would not think about signing for less than $10,000.’ “Frank Lane got up and left the room. My thinking was, ‘Coach you really screwed this one up.’ Frank Lane came back with a contract for $10,000. Illinois Wesleyan lost their baseball and basketball captain. I signed for $10,000.”

Winkles played seven minor league seasons, missing the 1953 campaign to serve in the US Army during the Korean War. He reached as high as Triple-A, but with Luis Aparicio in front of him, he had a narrow window to get to the major leagues.

“I had 178 hits in Double-A [in 1957] and was top ten in hitting,” he said. “I handled the most chances at shortstop than anybody in baseball. (He handled a whopping 858 chances.) I thought that might be my opportunity.”

When that opportunity never materialized, Winkles decided it was time to put his education to work. He explained how his degree launched his Arizona State career.

“I went to the University of Colorado while I was playing in the minor leagues and got my master’s degree,” he said. “That qualified me to coach in college. I went to my advisor, and he said there were two jobs open, one at Arizona State. They didn’t have a program, just a club. The athletic director Clyde Smith wanted to start a program.”

After speaking on the phone, Smith hired Winkles sight unseen.

“I interviewed with him for five minutes,” he said. “I never met the man; I never knew him. His only question to me was, ‘Would you make me a promise that you won’t get cold feet when February comes around and go back and play?’ … I promised him and stayed.”

From 1959-1971, Winkles constructed a powerhouse that won three national titles (1965, 1967, and 1969). He credited a scouting network that conveyed trusted advice on potential prospects.

“They were my biggest recruiters,” he said. “When they said a guy could play, I took him. I started with two scholarships the first year there. When you begin to win, things get better for you.”

Ultimately, those tips lured future MLB stars Rick Monday, Sal Bando, Gary Gentry, Lenny Randle, and Reggie Jackson to the ASU campus. Randle, who was part of Winkles’ 1969 championship team, said his coach’s demeanor and keen recruiting ability put the Sun Devils over the top.

“He was a disciplinarian, but he was fun,” Randle said during a phone interview Saturday morning. “They had eyes like CNN; they were everywhere scouting. Their network was phenomenal. That’s why we won. They scouted character and mentality. … He recruited athletic and competitive guys that you didn’t have to babysit.”

In 1972, Winkles returned to his professional baseball roots as a coach with the California Angels. Fast forward one year, and the Angels gave Winkles the reigns. Bobby Valentine came to the Angels from the Los Angeles Dodgers to begin the 1973 season. Excited for a fresh start and the opportunity to play shortstop full time, he instantly connected with his new manager’s energy and approach.

Unfortunately, the highs suddenly came crashing to a halt on May 17, 1973. While playing center field at Winkles’ request, Valentine suffered a career-altering broken leg after trying to catch a Dick Green home run. Speaking from his Connecticut home, Valentine explained how the injury disrupted two potentially strong careers.

“I think for both of us, it’s what could [have] been,” Valentine said. “I was his third-place hitter; I was going to be his mouthpiece on a major league team. We were kind of bonded at the hip immediately from spring training on. Then I broke my leg. I think when I broke my leg, I think a lot of his clubhouse disciples kind of went by the wayside, and he lost momentum.”

In later years, Valentine reassured Winkles that he wasn’t at fault for his injury. He cherished their relationship and regarded Winkles as a visionary who encouraged MLB to speed up the game at a time when it wasn’t fashionable.

“He thought the game was going too slowly,” he said. “He’d set up everything. We had to stay in the box to get our signs; we weren’t allowed to walk out to center field to dust ourselves off after sliding into the base at second. You had to have a bat in the on-deck circle ready to go in case you broke the bat while you were hitting. Pitchers had to run from the bullpen; pitchers had to jog out to the mound in between innings. It’s amazing that it took so long for Major League Baseball to get his message.”

The Angels let Winkles go midway through the 1974 season; however, he later resurfaced as a manager with the Oakland Athletics (1977-78). He also coached with the San Francisco Giants, Chicago White Sox and Montreal Expos. In 2006, he was inducted into the College Baseball Hall of Fame.

Winkles had no regrets about missing the major leagues as a player. Instead, he focused on how his humble upbringing fortified him to withstand the ups and downs of an athlete’s career.

“There were ten of us on an 80-acre farm,” Winkles said. “Nobody else out of that bunch went to college, and I went to get my master’s. I came from the bottom and went to the big leagues. As far as I am concerned, I’m a cotton picker from Arkansas. I wouldn’t trade the life that I had, with good discipline, no bull c—p and you work every day. … I wouldn’t trade my life for anybody’s.”



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