Home Business Book Review: Jonathan Kaufman’s ‘The Last Kings Of Shanghai’

Book Review: Jonathan Kaufman’s ‘The Last Kings Of Shanghai’

Book Review: Jonathan Kaufman’s ‘The Last Kings Of Shanghai’

When thinking about Shanghai, and trying to explain it to those not lucky enough to have visited, I frequently revert to a story my good friend Richard Tren tells about his grandparents. They visited Shanghai in the late 1970s. Stop and think about that for a second, or better yet, look up on Google or YouTube some before and after shots of Shanghai.

Useful about the story is that Tren’s grandparents never went back. What makes it useful is that when he tells them the commercial center of China is presently a gleaming metropolis with arguably the densest concentration of skyscrapers in the world, they don’t believe him. Older people can be stubborn one supposes. The streets they saw teeming with primitive bikes, the holes that were toilets, and the relentless poverty they witnessed have made it impossible for them to believe that China’s cities increasingly shimmer. Those of us who came of age in the 1970s and 1980s no doubt remember that a failure to finish one’s meal frequently elicited “they’re starving in China” from an elder.

Thankfully the China of old is no longer. To visit modern China as an American is to be blown away. It’s not just the gleaming cities full of energetic people pursuing the capitalist plenty that was disallowed them during the murderous Mao era. What would most strike Americans who’ve been sold the idea that China is still “communist,” is how densely packed the country’s cities are with symbols of American capitalism. Needless to say, a lover of McDonald’s, Nike, Starbucks, Burger King, Apple, Polo, and seemingly every other American brand would more easily find them in Chinese cities than many in the U.S.

China’s embrace of the profit motive is a good jumping off point ahead of writing about Jonathan Kaufman’s new book, The Last Kings of Shanghai: The Rival Jewish Dynasties That Helped Create Modern China. Though Kaufman completes his often engrossing history in modern times, his book reminds us that there was a commercial before to China that was arguably obscured by the country’s suicidal embrace of communism after World War II.

Kaufman is an old China hand based on stints with the Boston Globe and the Wall Street Journal, so he brings a reporter’s eye for stories as a way of explaining so much more. But first, for those who don’t know, Kaufman reminds readers that the before with Shanghai was prosperous. In his words, “By 1895, Shanghai had a modern tram system and gas works that rivaled London’s.” By the 1930s, “it had skyscrapers and a skyline that rivaled Chicago’s. It was the fourth-largest city in the world.” But we’re getting ahead of ourselves.

Kaufman’s book is about two rival families – the Sassoons and Kadoories – that played such a substantial role in Shanghai’s ascendance before Mao, along with the evolution of Asia more broadly. It’s a story that will excite readers. This review will cover some of the stories, but as is always the case with my reviews, it will assess the book based on the economic lessons created by the stories and examples.

The Sassoon family’s story begins in, of all places, Baghdad. It may surprise readers to learn that while “Jews had always lived at the margins of society in Europe,” for “more than a thousand years” they “had flourished in Baghdad.” Indeed, when Europe was “mired in the darkness of the Middle Ages, Baghdad was one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world.” The Sassoons were prominent in Badghad for 800 years, and the expectation for the longest time was that Sassoon men would only marry Jewish women from Baghdad families.

It’s all a reminder that the departure of people is what destroys cities and countries. There’s this economy-sapping myth that the closure of a factory or mill is what sends a city into reverse. In truth, the latter is progress. Dynamic economies are defined by constant change. What wrecks cities is the departure of human capital. Looked at in terms of what Baghdad once was, imagine where it (and by extension, the world) would be today if guns and religion hadn’t pushed out the people who had formerly made the city great.

It’s also a lesson for China in modern times. Though we’re getting ahead of ourselves a bit, most readers are already aware that the communists conquered Shanghai in the 1940s. It was more than theft. The conquering pushed out the talent. Per Kaufman “they seized the Kadoories’ and the Sassoons’ hotels and mansions and factories” only for “the Kadoories to retreat to Hong Kong, and the Sassoons to London, the Bahamas, and even Dallas.” Theft is almost the humane aspect of taking. The truly brutal one is the departure of people.  But we’re again getting ahead of ourselves.

Kaufman begins with a 37-year old David Sassoon fleeing Baghdad in 1829 after the city’s Turkish rulers threatened to hang him over a tax bill. He eventually found his way to Bombay, where “he helped found the Bank of Bombay, which enabled him to finance new railway lines to ship cotton from the countryside more quickly.”

Interesting was that in building his vast business, David felt it necessary to “develop a loyal workforce trained in his techniques.” That’s how he came up with the idea of Sassoon schools. As Kaufman describes it, “David set up the equivalent of a Sassoon company town, designed to attract Jewish refugees, first from Baghdad and then from across the Ottoman Empire, and turn them into loyal employees.” Kaufman adds that “If employees became ill, they could seek care at the Sassoon General Hospital,” if they “wanted to continue their studies, they could attend lectures or use the library at the David Sassoon Mechanics Institute.” Hopefully readers get the bigger picture here. Successful companies go out of their way to improve conditions and progress for their employees. The U.S. has some of the world’s greatest companies. That it does puts to bed the lie that wages has been stagnant in the U.S. for decades, and that businesses exploit their employees. The good and great do as David Sassoon intuitively knew to do back in the 19th century.

Elias Sassoon, David’s second oldest son, continued the Sassoon family’s growth in Asia. In his case, he left Bombay and his family to begin “a dangerous seventy-day sailing voyage from Bombay up the China coast.” Life was so difficult in the 19th century, even for the rich. A journey that would be an afterthought by airplane today was a “dangerous seventy-day sailing voyage” for the wellborn Elias. It’s all a reminder that that the wealth unequal get that way not by harming us, but by removing unease from our lives. What used to be dangerous is now simple, and people got rich for making it simple. We need more of the unequal, not fewer.

Thinking more about challenging conditions, Kaufman writes of how David Sassoon “deployed his sons.” The eight Sassoons “became his ambassadors and intelligence agents, his salesmen and advisers” all over Asia and Europe. That they were spread out was crucial in consideration of how “messages took months to get from India to Shanghai to London.” Whereas nowadays communication is instantaneous and theoretically “free,” in the 19th century David had to have his sons around the world as a necessity. What took seventy days in the 19th century would take less than one day today, not to mention that Elias could have been in contact with his father the whole time. Thanks to the unequal of today, what vexed business tycoons two centuries ago no longer does. Inequality keeps coming up in this review simply because Kaufman misreads it later in the book.

For now, and in his migration to Shanghai, it’s notable that along the way Elias “followed his father’s strategy of financing shipments of opium and textiles, offering loans to smaller merchants, and sending his own products up the coast to be sold and distributed.” It’s the “offering loans to smaller merchants” that most stands out here. Clearly it was a throwaway line for Kaufman given how it describes what financiers do to this day, but there’s bigger meaning to it. The short line is a reminder that if you’re productive economically, the money will find you. Always.  Economists, businessmen, and pundits routinely argue that the “Fed must reduce interest rates” to get the economy moving. Oh please. Such a view isn’t serious. Where there’s production there’s always someone trying to earn money by financing the movement of the production. Both the Fed’s critics and supporters vastly overstate the Fed’s power. Where economic growth is abundant there’s already finance, and where there isn’t, the Fed can’t alter that reality. Credit is a consequence of productivity, not an instigator of it as the naïve assume. Elias actively looked for productive economic activity to finance.

The Sassoons made a lot of money in the opium trade. Kaufman seems to view this business line with skepticism given how, by his research, one out of 10 Chinese were addicted to opium. At the same time, he quotes the Sassoons as rejecting the notion that opium essentially enslaved the people through addiction. Their response was that “the Chinese who smoked or imbibed opium were better behaved, quieter, and far more sensible than those addicted to alcoholic drinks.” It would have been helpful if Kaufman had dug deeper here. It’s easy at first glance to assume that the family’s goal was addiction, but the addicted are eventually not customers. The speculation here is that the rate of addiction to opium was less than one out of ten cited by Kaufman? In assessing the Sassoon’s opium wealth, Kaufman reverted to Balzac’s line about “a crime” being behind every fortune. It says here he applied modern knowledge and modern views of “drug use” to a very different time.

Which brings us to Elly Kadoorie. He eventually went to work for the Sassoons based on family connections, attended Sassoon corporate schools, rose up within the organization, but ultimately resigned over a “barrel of disinfectant.” Elly is glossed over quickly mainly because that’s what Kaufman does. In the space of literally two pages the first prominent Kadoorie goes from resigning as a clerk at Sassoon, moving to Hong Kong with $500 given to him by his brother Moses, to then becoming a top investor and confidant of Hong Kong eminence Robert Hartung. Ok, but what did we miss? In so many ways this very interesting book left out so much.

Arguably the two men who most lifted the Sassoons and Kadoories were Victor Sassoon and Laurence Kadoorie. Victor will be discussed first.  

He was easily the most interesting member of either family. Urbane and Cambridge educated, and a lover of the high life, he proved a very keen investor. Kaufman would likely agree that his story rates a movie, and certainly a book of its own.

Among many other things, Sassoon founded the Cathay Hotel. Known today as the Peace Hotel, it was in the years between the 1st and 2nd world wars the place to be in a very cosmopolitan Shanghai.

Beyond the great investor, and beyond the great liver of life, there was a very compassionate side to Victor. Indeed, it’s perhaps not well known that in the Shanghai of the 1920s and 1930s, “no one needed a visa to enter. No one could be turned away.” This was important given what was happening in the 1930s. As Adolf Hitler became a reality, the situation for Jewish people became increasingly tenuous. A good Samaritan Chinese diplomat in Vienna helped turn thousands toward Shanghai. One lucky family by the name of the Reismans arrived by boat to Shanghai’s Bund, only to see the most welcoming of signs; one that said: YOU ARE NO LONGER JEWS BUT CITIZENS OF THE WORLD. ALL SHANGHAI WELCOMES YOU.”

Imagine what this meant for refugees. Furthermore, imagine what it meant to them to have a dormitory to sleep in, and food to eat. And the opportunity to prove their worth as entrepreneurs and/or employees in a place that screamed opportunity regardless of race. The happy punchline is that Victor was the primary benefactor for these people. Inequality doesn’t just aid those with the least. It’s also incredibly compassionate. The richest man in Shanghai made it possible for thousands to avoid death.

Fascinating about Victor’s financing of refugees’ flight to Shanghai concerns some of the famous personages who were part of this diaspora. Names include legal scholar Laurence Tribe, movie producer Mike Medavoy, and Carter-era Treasury secretary Michael Blumenthal.

Just as businesses grow by virtue of attracting the best talent, so do countries and cities. In that case, imagine if Mao fails. Imagine how much more advanced Shanghai and China would be today if the Mao tragedy doesn’t happen. There was so much commercial talent right there; both Chinese born and immigrant. Except that Mao didn’t fail.

The Kadoories pulled out early, and bet on the right horse in Hong Kong. Victor stuck around too long, and was reduced to telling a reporter that “If you can sell any of my assets there, I’ll pay you a tremendous commission.” Victor had built up a remarkable collection of businesses and properties in China only to give it to the “Communist government – almost half a billion dollars’ worth – with no compensation.” Having been robbed of a half billion worth of wealth, Victor was “given an exit permit and a railway ticket to Hong Kong and ordered to leave the country within forty-eight hours.”

Of importance, Victor wasn’t the only person who left. As Kaufman writes, “Ultimately 100,000 people from Shanghai would arrive in Hong Kong, providing – along with the local Cantonese – the skills and economic infrastructure that would bring the city forward.” Translated, Shanghai for all intents and purposes would be transferred to Hong Kong by the tragic rise of communism. The unseen when it comes to what Shanghai could have been absent Mao staggers the imagination. More on this in a bit.

For now, the pivot will be to some quibbles with Kaufman’s analysis. On more than one occasion, the author referenced how industrialists were attracted to China “by the vast pool of cheap Chinese labor.” Except that the Sassoons clearly had a different point of view. They spent a lot on labor precisely because they wanted to make a lot of money. Kaufman makes clear that their desire for employee loyalty, their desire for profit, manifested itself in good compensation and good working conditions.

Looked at modernly, implicit in Kaufman’s analysis is that investment is rushing into Aliquippa, Detroit and Flint, and rushing out of Boston, New York and San Francisco. Except that the opposite is true. Cheap labor is very expensive. The great businesses and businessmen recognize the value of overpaying for labor. The strange thing is that Kaufman’s analysis implicitly recognizes how expensive cheap labor is. The idea that investment migrates to it is a lazy one.

The other major quibble concerns Kaufman’s routine assertion that Shanghai failed because of rising inequality. There’s no basis for such a view. Indeed, by Kaufman’s own admission Shanghai was a magnet for strivers not just from within China, but from outside it. Where there’s inequality there’s abundant opportunity simply because inequality is a sign of entrepreneurs meeting the needs of people in brilliant fashion. Looking at the U.S., the world’s poorest have for as long as the U.S. has existed yearned for the opportunity to bring their talents here. Once in the United States, they don’t flock to Buffalo, Detroit and Pueblo, rather they rush to the cities most densely packed with rich people. Again, that’s where the opportunity is, and it’s clearly where it was when the Sassoons and Kadoories were China rivals.

The funny thing is that Kaufman actually referenced what was the much more likely driver of Mao’s victory. He notes on p. 206 how “In 1944, twenty Chinese dollars had bought one American dollar. By March 1946, the ratio was 2,000 to one. A year later, it was 12,000 to one. Four months after that, the black market rate was a million to one.” There’s your answer for Mao. Austrian eminence Ludwig von Mises knew it, so did John Maynard Keynes, and so did Vladimir Lenin know that if you want to overturn society debauch the currency. It’s so obvious. Devaluation is the most ruthless of thefts that invariably elevates cultish leaders. How sad.

It’s sad too that the Sassoons, though still a very prominent and prosperous name in London to this day, never retrieved the wealth that had once been unrivaled in Shanghai. Not only was Victor stripped of so much that he’d worked for, so were most of the commercial superstars of the interwar era. Easily the most gripping and sad part of Kaufman’s book is when the ascendant communists forced these superstars to confess their “economic crimes” at the renamed Peace Hotel. Tragic.

On the other hand, the Kadoories already had substantial wealth in Hong Kong before Mao ravaged China. This included ownership of China Light and Power. Laurence Kadoorie would electrify a Hong Kong that replaced Shanghai as the cosmopolitan and commercial center of China, plus when Deng Xiaoping started to reverse China’s tragic embrace of collectivism, he approached Laurence. The Kadoorie’s China Light and Power would electrify Guangzhou, and eventually he had the nerve to invest $1 billion in China at a time when many still feared a return of the communists. One of the families that saw its fortunes dimmed by China came back to revive it. A moving bit of history for sure.  

So while the Kadoories were Hong Kong’s first billionaires, Laurence had never forgotten what had happened in Shanghai care of the communists. On account of that, Kaufman reports Laurence’s decision that never again would the Kadoories “keep more than half their assets in China or Hong Kong.”

All this calls for a follow-on by Kaufman to his enjoyable book. One wonders what the Kadoories think now as Beijing is apparently exerting more control over Hong Kong. How real is this, or are the media misunderstanding it? For now, Kaufman was written a good book that was weakened at times by economic fallacy. Still, there’s much to learn about a part of the world that promises to be a prominent player in the present and future. Kaufman did a nice job.



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