Home Business Boris Johnson Pauses U.K. Reopening Amid New Rise In Covid-19 Cases

Boris Johnson Pauses U.K. Reopening Amid New Rise In Covid-19 Cases



British Prime Minister Boris Johnson paused the United Kingdom’s reopening plans Friday and announced a new expansion of mask-wearing rules, as Britain—like a growing number of countries around the world—contends with a new surge of Covid-19 cases after an initial lull.


The U.K. will not move forward with plans to reopen leisure venues like bowling alleys and casinos on Saturday, along with eased restrictions on indoor performances and close-contact beauty services and wedding receptions with up to 30 guests.

The country also expanded its mask requirements beyond shops and public transport to other indoor settings like museums and cinemas.

Johnson said the measures were necessary as Covid-19 infections have started increasing for the first time since May, rising from an estimated 2,000 actual infections per day in June to 4,900 infections per day currently.

The announcement came a day after the country imposed a sudden lockdown on certain areas of Northern England that have experienced a particular spike in cases, which bars residents from visiting other households or socializing with people from other households in indoor venues like pubs and shops.

Britain—which has experienced the highest percentage of excess deaths due to Covid-19 in Europe—had been in the process of steadily reopening its economy amid a decline in cases, with pubs reopening and the government offering special discounts to encourage people to dine out.

Crucial Quote

“We just can’t afford to ignore this evidence,” Johnson said at a press conference Friday. “With those numbers creeping up, our assessment is that we should now squeeze that brake pedal in order to keep the virus under control.”

Big Number

302,301: The total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the U.K. as of July 30, as reported by  the U.K. government.

Key Background

The U.K. is one of a number of countries worldwide to be experiencing a new resurgence of Covid-19 cases. Europe has contended with a “second wave” of Covid-19, with case spikes in countries like Spain and Belgium, while even countries that had previously successfully controlled their outbreaks like Hong Kong, Vietnam and Japan are seeing new, significant rises in cases. French health authorities reported Friday that the country’s cases have increased by 54% in the past week, and Hong Kong announced Friday that it will delay its election for a year in reaction to its rising cases. Cases in the U.S. have consistently surged over the past weeks without ever significantly decreasing as in Europe, but even some states that had tamped down an initial surge of cases like New Jersey have reported a noticeable increase in cases in recent days, as lockdown measures have eased and some residents flout social distancing rules while cases in nearby states surge.

Further Reading

Boris Johnson postpones latest coronavirus lockdown easing in England (The Guardian)

UK puts lockdown-easing on hold as virus spread accelerates (Associated Press)

Here’s What England’s ‘Super Saturday’ Looks Like As Pubs Reopen (Photos) (Forbes)

France, Spain, Germany Suddenly Facing New Coronavirus Surge (Forbes)

Spain’s Coronavirus Cases Rise To Worrying Levels After Weeks Of Staying Low (Forbes)

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