Home Business Can A Sequel Recapture The Specific Appeal Of The Original ‘Labyrinth’?

Can A Sequel Recapture The Specific Appeal Of The Original ‘Labyrinth’?

Can A Sequel Recapture The Specific Appeal Of The Original ‘Labyrinth’?

Scott Derrickson and Maggie Levin’s Labyrinth must capture the (subtly) erotic pleasures of Jim Henson’s David Bowie/Jennifer Connelly-led original

I’m not saying that a theatrical sequel to Jim Henson’s Labyrinth, arriving around 36 years after the original, is inherently a doomed prospect. But with news that Scott Derrickson, who is best known for directing Doctor Strange (and also known for his popular horror movies like Sinister and The Exorcism of Emily Rose), has been hired by TriStar Pictures to direct the Maggie Levin-penned sequel should be met with at least a little skepticism. It’s another case of a studio attempting to revive a 20-30-year-old IP that A) was a box office bomb in its day and B) achieved retroactive popularity due to specific and potentially not-so-replicable factors.

The original fantasy film starred Jennifer Connelly as a teenager forced to travel into a fantastical world in order to rescue her baby brother after she accidentally wishes him away into the clutches of David Bowie’s Goblin King. It was a box office bomb in the summer of 1986, earning just $13.9 million worldwide on a $25 million budget before becoming a generationally-specific cult classic in the VHS/HBO era. Yes, Disney’s Tron: Legacy earned $170 million domestic and $400 million worldwide (on a $170 million budget) 28 years after Tron. But even that cult sci-fi flick still earned $50 million worldwide on a $17 million budget, a disappointment at the time but still relatively profitable.

Labyrinth was a PG-rated fantasy and as such any nostalgic adults can bring their kids along. We’re not looking at a Scream 4/Blade Runner 2049 situation here. However, to the extent that Labyrinth has become a perennial favorite of folks around my age, it’s mostly due to the specifics of the film itself. Yes, it existed in a time when big-budget kids fantasies were rare enough to automatically become at-home viewing favorites. Moreover, will a sequel be able to recapture the (entirely healthy) interest that has at least partially fueled the film’s cult popularity? Labyrinth is popular today partially because Bowie’s Goblin King was quite hot in a very distinct way.

You know it, I know it, my wife certainly knows it. Yes, Jennifer Connelly was quite attractive as our fearless protagonist as well, and for the record I was six when I first saw the film so it’s not quite inappropriate for me to note as much. But the enduring popularity of the film, at least after it left theaters, is arguably more rooted in the sensual (both in terms of awakenings and Henson’s willingness to talk up to kids about such matters) than with its comparatively generic fantasy adventure elements. The film has a certain subtle “sexual awakening” element that made it (whatever your sexual orientation) a kind of Dirty Dancing for young kids.

David Bowie passed away four years ago and while Connelly is as lovely as ever, I seriously doubt that the 49-year-old Oscar-winner has much interest in returning (beyond a small supporting role) to the one-off fantasy movie she made when (spoken like Michael Caine) she was just 16-years-old. Sorry, I’ve been catching up on The Trip movies. Labyrinth is popular today due to the specifics, in terms of cast and content, of the singular motion picture itself. And a big part of the film’s enduring popularity, its implicit sexual content, would be a harder sell in our outrage/call-out culture-driven media environment.

Heck, even back in late 2003,  P.J. Hogan’s terrific Peter Pan got libeled as pedophilia merely for offering a true-to-the-novel romance between Peter and Wendy while acknowledging that Captain Hook was kinda hot. I will be interested to see how Derrickson and Levin, both of whom I’m sure are well aware of the film’s unique popularity compared to, say, The Goonies or The Dark Crystal, will approach this sequel. Who replaces David Bowie? No cheating and saying Tilda Swinton. Will TriStar and friends be willing to let this sequel be as much of a “coming of age” fable as its predecessor?

Because merely making a generic and sexless fantasy movie and calling it Labyrinth 2 is the quickest path to disaster. Labyrinth was a flop in 1986, and its popularity (spin-off novels, video games, communal screenings, etc.) has been at least partially driven by the specifics of its hero and villain, as well as the romantic/low-key sexual elements hidden just below the surface of its PG-rated genre tropes. Labyrinth as an IP is almost meaningless, and Bowie is as much associated with Jareth as Harrison Ford with Indiana Jones or Bruce Willis with John McClane. Sony has my benefit of the doubt, but it’s going to be an interesting balance.



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