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CDC Adds 6 New Coronavirus Symptoms



The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention added six new symptoms to its official list of COVID-19 symptoms Sunday, as the medical community continues to report new presentations of the virus and coalesces around a precise definition of the disease it causes.


On Sunday, the CDC officially added these six symptoms to its list: chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, in addition to previously known symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.

The symptoms can appear two to 14 days after exposure to COVID-19, according to the guidelines.

In addition, the CDC described a set of emergency warning signs that should warrant immediate medical attention, including trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, bluish lips or face.

This list is not totally inclusive—others who have experienced COVID-19 reported an array of symptoms, according to the CDC.

If you experience any of the nine above symptoms, you can use the CDC’s coronavirus self-checker to determine best next steps for treatment. 

Key background

Experts’ understanding of coronavirus continues to evolve as the disease has spread, with nearly 3 million cases now worldwide. Testing for COVID-19 remains scarce, which is afflicting both democratic and republican governors, as they lack the information public health experts say is needed to identify, trace and contain the disease, reports the New York Times
. The
CDC recommends that if you feel sick, you should stay home unless to seek medical care.

Further Reading

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Center for Disease Control)

Stop the Spread of Germs (Center for Disease Control)

Wuhan Reports No New COVID-19 Hospitalizations (Forbes)

WHO: ‘No Evidence’ Coronavirus Survivors Have Immunity (Forbes)

Testing Remains Scarce as Governors Weigh Reopening States (New York Times)

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