Home Business CDC Could Start Recommending A Shorter Covid Quarantine. Here’s Why.

CDC Could Start Recommending A Shorter Covid Quarantine. Here’s Why.

CDC Could Start Recommending A Shorter Covid Quarantine. Here’s Why.


Federal health experts could start asking people exposed to the coronavirus to stay at home for just seven to 10 days, down from the two-week quarantine that’s currently recommended, the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday — a possible shift the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hopes will lead to more people following experts’ suggestions.

Key Facts

The CDC hasn’t issued any new guidelines yet, but it could shorten this period to somewhere between seven and 10 days (officials haven’t settled on a specific number of days) and recommend a negative test before people exit their quarantine, Dr. Henry Walke, the CDC’s incident manager for Covid-19 response, told the Journal.

Admiral Brett Giroir, the Department of Health and Human Services’ assistant secretary of health and a member of the White House coronavirus task force, confirmed that federal officials are mulling a shorter quarantine window during a press conference Tuesday.

A shorter quarantine is probably safe as long as it’s followed by a test, Walke says, because most Covid-19 patients develop symptoms within a week of being exposed, although it can sometimes take as long as two weeks.

Walke believes people are more likely to obey short quarantines than long ones, so a shorter quarantine window could be a worthwhile tradeoff even if it means some people will develop symptoms after their quarantine wraps up.

The CDC did not confirm this policy change to Forbes or offer a timeline, writing that the agency “will announce such changes when appropriate.”

Crucial Quote

“We do think that the work that we’ve done, and some of the studies we have and the modeling data that we have, shows that we can with testing shorten quarantines,” Walke told the Journal.

Big Number

4-5 days. That’s the median amount of time it takes for symptoms to develop after patients are first exposed, according to several studies cited by the CDC. This “incubation period” can sometimes last more than 12 days, but those situations are rare.


The United States is not the only country to mull shorter Covid-19 quarantines. In recent months, France halved its two-week isolation period, and Germany and Spain lopped four days off of their two-week quarantines, arguing people often disregarded the rules when they were harsher. The World Health Organization still recommends two weeks of isolation.

Key Background

As coronavirus cases spike to record highs in the United States, public health officials have struggled to convince people to follow social distancing rules. Many states lifted their stay-at-home orders in the spring and gradually allowed restaurants and stores to reopen, and politicians are reluctant to reimpose any economically damaging restrictions. Plus, more than a million Americans are traveling for Thanksgiving this week, disregarding strong warnings from the CDC to stay at home. Some experts worry about a wave of “Covid fatigue” that’s causing homebound Americans to take risks at a time when caution is crucial.

Further Reading

CDC Finalizing Recommendation to Shorten Covid-19 Quarantines (Wall Street Journal)



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