Home Business Co-Founder Of The Ritz-Carlton Talks About How To Manage The Customer Experience

Co-Founder Of The Ritz-Carlton Talks About How To Manage The Customer Experience

Co-Founder Of The Ritz-Carlton Talks About How To Manage The Customer Experience

In good times and bad, a business cannot survive without customers. In today’s challenging business climate, some businesses are seeing revenue drop to the tune of 100%. In a recession, you can see a pattern of slow-down emerging. But in the current situation, many businesses haven’t felt a gradual slow-down they could adjust to—they hit a brick wall and came to a screeching halt.

It doesn’t matter how good your product is. It doesn’t even matter if you have a great location, an amazing website or the best price. If you don’t have customers buying, you don’t have a business.

The coronavirus has taken its toll on businesses. Some have had to temporarily shut down. (Unfortunately, some have had to permanently shut down.) But before the pandemic, was the company operating at 100% efficiency (at least in the eyes of the customer)? Did the company offer good products/services at a good price with a strong customer experience? If the answer is yes, the company’s chance of returning to business as usual after the pandemic is highly likely, regardless of what’s happening in today’s economy. If managed well throughout the current crisis, the company can come back even stronger. Why?

The customer is everything. As previously mentioned, if you don’t have customers, you don’t have a business. Assuming you had customers who enjoyed doing business with you before, they will continue to enjoy doing business with you when the world returns to some sense of normalcy. When that does happen—and it will—you must be prepared to continue amazing your customers with good service and a strong customer experience.

I recently interviewed Horst Schulze for Amazing Business Radio—for the second time. Schulze is the first president and co-founder of the Ritz-Carlton hotel chain and author of Excellence Wins. He knows about managing the customer experience and has used that knowledge to build one of the most iconic brands in the world of business. In our interview, he shared some wisdom that all businesses must take to heart if they want to acquire, keep, and for many in today’s world, re-acquire their customers. Here are five relevant points that any type of business, large or small, B2B or B2C, can use to stay strong.

1.      Employees first! As important as customers are to the business, it all starts with employees doing the job they are supposed to do.

2.      Hiring takes patience. To deliver an exceptional service experience, you must have a great team in place. That means hiring the right people. Be selective in who you hire. Schulze says, “The perfect hire is worth the wait.”

3.      Your market is your customers. For a business to succeed, you must understand your market—which is your customers. You must know what they want and need before you can begin to meet their expectations.

4.      Leadership is where it starts. It is the role of leadership to have an understanding of the customers they serve. They must set the tone, create the culture and build systems and processes that allow employees to deliver amazing service to their customers.

5.      Customers want three things. They want what you sell them to be defect-free. They want it to be timely—in other words, when they want it. And they want employees to be nice to them. When you do this consistently, the experience becomes predictable to the customer. Consistency creates confidence, and confidence can lead to loyalty.

In the end, your customers are why you’re in business. Even with an “employee-first” mentality, you need customers to stay in business. Customers are the ones who pay money—as in revenue—to your business. Customers are your bottom line, so find ways to stay focused on them even in challenging times.



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