Home Business Conor McGregor Delivers €1 Million Worth Of PPE To Ireland Hospitals

Conor McGregor Delivers €1 Million Worth Of PPE To Ireland Hospitals

Conor McGregor Delivers €1 Million  Worth Of PPE To Ireland Hospitals

Former two-division UFC champion Conor McGregor in March promised to donate €1 million worth (1,098,315.00 USD) of personal protective equipment to hospitals in the Republic of Ireland. The Irish fighter came through with those donations earlier this week. 

McGregor posted a message he wrote to Ireland’s Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe last week about the donation and also informed Donohoe of the efforts he had made regarding personal safety during the global coronavirus pandemic. He also urged Donohoe to take be more active in enforcing a lockdown in Ireland. 

“I feel like we are moving in the right way, it just feels to me like it is not all the way. I urge all the way! ‘All in’ is the term we must use here,” McGregor added. “Bit by bit (it) will cost us lives.”

“Today I am purchasing myself, €1 million euro worth of personal protective equipment to be deployed to all the fighting hospitals in the Leinster region. Our most affected region, to this date. St. James, Mater, Tallaght, Beaumont, Vincent’s,” wrote McGregor.

McGregor used his social media accounts to show the deliveries he promised being made earlier this week.

McGregor has been one of the more outspoken UFC athletes regarding safety during the global pandemic. He urged the country to shut down travel from the airport and seaports for public use and posted a speech to the people of Ireland about the need for precaution.

“Hello everyone, hello Ireland. We have now entered a more substantial lockdown, and I am pleased to see it. You see, if you do not enter the game, you cannot win it. We have now entered this game, and with strict adherence to the methods, we will win,” said McGregor. “To the Irish public, we must abide by the legislation put forward tonight by our leaders. No further than two kilometers from home, no un-essential travel, and full closure of all non-essential business. Now, more than ever, we must abide by this, and I pray for the health and safety of our country. The fate of our lives and the lives of our loved ones depends on it. Together, we must encourage home workouts, and we must encourage healthy immune-boosting nutrition plans.”



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