Home Business ‘Contactless’ Is Retail’s New Must-Have Safe Word, But Knowing How Best To...

‘Contactless’ Is Retail’s New Must-Have Safe Word, But Knowing How Best To Use It Is Easier Said Than Done

‘Contactless’ Is Retail’s New Must-Have Safe Word, But Knowing How Best To Use It Is Easier Said Than Done

If there’s a silver lining to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is that it has made “contactless” an important new part of the everyday retailing vernacular. Prior to the outbreak, few retailers were asking how they could make their retail experiences contactless. Checkout-free, maybe, but not contactless.  

However, amid COVID-19 contactless is now the word of the day. Walmart is contactless. Kohl’s is contactless. Even local liquor stores on the corner are going contactless. Everyone, from haberdashers to boulangerie owners, are going contactless. It’s becoming retail’s version of a safe word, something every retailer has to have if it is to thrive when times get rough.

And, it’s easy to see why.

COVID-19 has thrown retail out of whack. Psychologically, it has made things hard for both retailers and consumers. It has stressed the bonds of trust. It has put both sides into compromising positions, positions of naivety, uncertainty, and fear around navigating what used to be so garden variety and vanilla. As a result, both sides need something to which they can turn when things do get a little hairy or too technologically advanced. 

Contactless retailing is just that — a way to feel safe when one’s boundaries get pushed too far.

Unfortunately though, one person’s safe is another person’s danger. There are some big grey areas between the boundaries of comfortable and rough. For example, mobile scan-and-go shopping might feel safe for some but be too strange for others, while the mere idea of setting foot inside of a physical store at all could be anathema to many.

The whole situation is left open to wide interpretation, which is why it is important to set clear definitions around the various ways contactless retailing can take shape. That way every retailer and shopper can decide for themselves what works best and neither ends up pushed too far out of their comfort zones.

Contactless retail is by no means a useful catch all term. There are important elements and pros and cons that delineate each. 

They are as follows:

#1 — Catalog shopping

Catalog shopping is the closed eyes, missionary sex of contactless retail. Yes, it will keep you safe but, god, is it boring and, outside of overpriced furniture, completely impractical for most products.

Enough said.

#2 — E-commerce

The sexy evolution of catalog shopping after a study abroad in France, e-commerce is perhaps the safest and least dorky way to shop amid COVID-19. People order goods via their desktops, mobile devices, voice assistants, text messaging platforms, etc. without ever having to leave their homes or interact with a single retail employee face to face.

It is a safety win/win on both sides of the equation, but, unfortunately, it is also still not for everyone.

Older generations are not as technically affluent as younger generations (see this great SNL parody), certain categories are more difficult to shop online and to do business profitably than others (like grocery), and some segments of the population are also not able to purchase the items they need online. For example, SNAP recipients (aka food stamp recipients) are not able to use their benefits for online home deliveries, barring a few pilot program exceptions across a small handful of states.

E-commerce can also be a more expensive option. Oftentimes, it comes with additional costs, like membership fees (see Amazon Prime), delivery upcharges (see Walmart Express Delivery), driver tips (see Instacart), and other surcharges. All of which start to add up on the average consumer over time. 

Therefore, while e-commerce may be one of the safest ways to shop, it isn’t always a safe word upon which every consumer can rely when COVID-19 starts making them feel uncomfortable.  

Like it or not, sometimes people have no other choice but to go to physical stores to shop, which, as the next three options below elucidate, is an important nuance to keep in mind when determining the relative safeness of the various options within the overall contactless retail vernacular.

#3 — Curbside Pickup

Curbside pickup is the safe word option for people who have been around the block and aren’t afraid to try something new. Variety, after all, is the spice of life as they say, and curbside, as a result of COVID-19, is taking on all kinds of interesting new shapes and sizes.

Transactionally, curbside pickup is much like e-commerce. The only difference is the delivery location is usually a retail store itself versus one’s own address. On the safety side, there’s a ton of positives. Sometimes e-commerce doesn’t even have to be part of the equation either.

Take, for example, the idea of concierge shopping for seniors and at-risk individuals that Sam’s Club just rolled out a few weeks ago, as described in the video below by Sam’s Club Chief Product Officer Eddie Garcia:

Essentially, Sam’s Club members can roll up to a Sam’s Club, order what they want, and never have to leave their cars. The store either has the inventory or it does not. There’s no guessing games of what may or may not be available. It’s again a mutual win for employees and customers from a safety standpoint, and, given the nature of the immediate understanding of inventory availability, it is also more convenient than e-commerce in many ways too, especially for older people.

Now, not every curbside experience is flawless or works even close to how Sam’s Club’s concierge service is designed, but there’s also nothing to say that retailers cannot strive to make their order pickup experiences more concierge-like as the months roll on. While typical experiences are more “order ahead” (my quotes) and often carry with them an inventory lag time between ordering and actual pickup, that can leave consumers frustrated, the average curbside or order pickup experience will continue to improve because usage rates will level out over time as more shoppers make it part of their routined shopping habits.

Curbside pickup, in addition, also solves another problem e-commerce cannot solve — SNAP payments. Retailers like Kroger and Walmart, for instance, both recently announced that, while SNAP recipients cannot use their benefits online for home delivery, they can use them when they pick up orders placed online at Kroger’s and Walmart’s physical stores via curbside and pickup in store.

The only real hurdle with curbside pickup is adoption on both the consumer and retailer side. Malls and mall-based retailers were woefully delinquent in establishing pickup services pre-COVID and again not all consumers are comfortable with the concept technology-wise, but, safety-wise and economics-wise, it scores some pretty big points.

#4 — Mobile Payments

Mobile payments as a form of contactless shopping are nothing new. Starbucks and Chick-fil-A have killer mobile apps, and Apple Pay and Samsung Pay have been around for years. But, COVID-19 is no doubt speeding up their adoption.

Walmart, early in the outbreak, speed rushed a new contactless payment system, Walmart Pay, into operations back in mid-March. With Walmart Pay, consumers simply scan a barcode at checkout linked to their online credit card information without ever having to touch anything in the process. The concept is similar to what Target and the aforementioned Starbucks and Chick-fil-A have already had in place.

But, as cool as these systems are, they are more about efficiency than safety. They are “faux contactless” (my quotes). 

Yes, they get a person through the cash register line faster, but, at the end of the day, consumers, one, still have to go into a store and, two, still have to go through the cash register to pay — i.e. the bottleneck CNN recently called the “most dangerous place in the store.” Every item that runs through a cash register has to be touched, scanned, and bagged by customers, so the risk of contracting the virus through this form of faux contactless retail is likely much higher than any of the other options already discussed. 

#5 — Checkout-Free Retail

Checkout-free retail is what brings the intended safety aspects of mobile payments to life. 

Checkout-free retail comes to life in two ways: 1) Scan-and-Go mobile technology 2) AI Computer Vision (aka AICV).

Scan-and-go works like this: Customers walk into a store, take out their mobile phones, scan products on the shelves with a retailer’s mobile app, bag the products themselves, and then pay electronically by scanning a QR code inside of the app as they exit.

AICV is similar. The only difference is that the mobile phone plays a much less prominent role. The way AICV works is that customers scan an app on their phones to enter a store (similar to getting on an airplane), walk in, take whatever they want off the shelves, and then just leave the store whenever they want and are charged much like getting out of an Uber or a Lyft. Cameras and weight sensors in the shelves help to identify product and people movement, whereas, in scan-and-go, the actual scan serves as the proxy.

Overall, current examples in the U.S. marketplace are few and far between, but they are growing in importance. On the scan-and-go side, Sam’s Club (seen below) is the standard bearer. It has had scan-and-go shopping tech in place since 2016 and has a scan-and-go-only concept store in Texas called Sam’s Club Now. 7-Eleven has also been on the scan-and-go bandwagon, and recently Fairway also added the technology to its operations amid coronavirus.

On the AICV side, Amazon Go (seen below) is the only U.S. retailer that has this technology ready for primetime, with over 20 locations spread across New York, Seattle, Chicago, and San Francisco, and, surprisingly, most of these locations, according to Amazon’s website, are currently closed, which, in the context of this discussion, could be an opportunity for Amazon to get more aggressive into physical retailing down the road.

Regardless, net/net, even though checkout-free retail is a relevant safe word for in-store shopping amid COVID-19, the actual number of locations where American consumers can take comfort in using it are quite few and far between. 

So, in closing, what does all this mean and why the safe word analogy?

As the above shows, not all forms of contactless retail are created equal. Knowing when to use what and what options to believe are safe relative to others is not easy, despite what is presented in the media. As a nation, consumers and employers, therefore, need to start thinking faster and more concretely about which “contactless” safe word is right for them.

E-commerce is best for employees and consumers if people know how to use it and can afford it. Curbside pickup is the next best option, but it may not be available to everyone, which means some people still have no choice but to shop at physical stores. Yet, given the lack of checkout-free retail deployments throughout the United States, in store shopping is still relatively more dangerous than the other “contactless” options discussed.

But, it doesn’t need to be that way.

Now is the time for retailers to kick things into high gear for their constituents. They need to start putting the foundations in place to make the physical world safer. These foundations include investing in cloud point-of-sale (the lynchpin according to Sam’s Club), standing up scan-and-go mobile capabilities, converting stores and malls to pickup only locations wherever possible to force habit change and technological acclimation, and, by god, lobbying state governments together and with the help of the industry’s biggest trade association, NRF, to make SNAP benefits available for online purchases.

This foundation is the roadmap for the future. It’s flexible, it’s sustainable, and, by golly, it’s one heck of a much safer shopping world for the long-term.



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