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Coronavirus By The Numbers

Coronavirus By The Numbers

(This story was updated at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 26) 

Topline: The coronavirus outbreak —  which likely originated in Wuhan, China and spread to the rest of the world — is now a pandemic affecting 175 countries, shutting down travel and launching a global recession; here are the latest numbers:

  • World: Total confirmed cases as of 10:00 a.m. ET: 491,623 — Total deaths: 22,169 — Total recoveries: 118,245.
  • U.S.: Total confirmed cases as of 10:00 a.m. ET: 69,210 — Total deaths: 1,046 — Total recoveries: 619.
  • Trending up ▲: Louisiana. The state recorded the world’s highest average daily growth rate, 65.7 percent, in the first 15 days since its first case, according to the Wall Street Journal
  • Trending down ▼: New York — Gov. Andrew Cuomo, D-NY, said Wednesday that on Sunday, the state projection was for the number of hospitalizations to double every two days but this week, that changed, with hospitalizations now expected to double every 4.7 days. 
  • U.S. unemployment: 3.3 million filed for unemployment last week, shattering the previous one week record of 695,000 set in 1985 (that number is enough to push the U.S. unemployment rate to 5.7 percent.)

Big number: $2 trillion. The Senate passed the largest spending bill in its history late Wednesday night by a vote of 96-0 after six days of back and forth — a $2 trillion package that injects financial aid into all parts of the American economy. 

Surprising fact: “In a single week, the pandemic wiped out a year and a half of job gains,” reports the New York Times.  

Crucial quote: Schumer said the stimulus bill the Senate passed on Wednesday night provides “unemployment insurance on steroids.”

The Senate bill includes a $600 per week across-the-board increase on top of what individual states pay for unemployment insurance for four months.




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