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Council Post: Let There Be Light: The Business Value Of An Office With A View

Council Post: Let There Be Light: The Business Value Of An Office With A View

Workplace perks continue to get bigger and better as companies race to attract and retain top talent. Beer on tap? Check. A dog-friendly space? Check. Yoga classes, on-site massage and acupuncture over lunch? Sure. Why not? But when it comes to creating a positive employee experience, all of these flashy amenities pale in comparison to a simple but often overlooked feature: natural light.

Employees across all generations overwhelmingly cite access to natural light and windows with a view as the key to happiness at work. And while core cultural standards, such as having trust in management and opportunities for professional development, will always rank high, the work environment where those qualities are nurtured matters immensely.

When employees are more engaged in their roles, they are categorically better brand stewards, which translates to higher morale and productivity — a win-win for retention. Methods of engagement may vary, but before committing to a potentially costly improvement program, it’s important for business leaders to first consider what employees actually want from the spaces in which they work.

Embrace The Great Outdoors

According to a Harvard study, the results of wellness programs like in-house yoga or movement classes are unimpressive in the short term. What we know employees find truly impactful on their well-being is access to outdoor space and natural light, and being able to control basic elements, like temperature, in their workspace.

It seems counterintuitive: Surely simple things like temperature control aren’t as important as gym memberships or bottled water in the company fridge. And yes, amenities like these can yield positive results, but a workspace that emphasizes basic needs first will always be a place where employees want to show up — and keep showing up for the foreseeable future.

In fact, employees are 91% more likely to be satisfied with their organization when they are provided some flexibility in their space, as well as a range of diverse spaces in which to do work. In other words, an office designed for flexibility and adaptability is integral to building stronger employee engagement.

An office is no longer just a place where people come to work, but rather a platform for connection and community. Today, the way employees feel within their workspace is one of the most important metrics for gauging wellness and productivity.

Commit To Human-Centric Design

A Cornell study compared the experiences of workers in offices with traditional windows versus those using auto-tinting “smart windows.” These smart windows “control the sun’s energy to optimize natural light and reduce glare.” The results should be a wake-up call to companies everywhere: Controlled daylight provides untold health and wellness benefits for workers, including but not limited to reduced eye strain, headaches and blurred vision. Employees in the Cornell study reported feeling more alert and more productive. And that increased productivity ultimately means a better bottom line.

Although the way we work is always changing, the majority of U.S. employees go to an office five or more days a week. Americans also spend up to 90% of their time indoors. That means natural light is not only a nice perk; it’s practically vital to survival.

Of course, not every workspace needs skylights and floor-to-ceiling windows, but employers can, and should, ensure the air in their office is allergen-free and safe to breathe. Businesses should always strive to optimize their workspace to meet employee needs, no matter the view.

That’s where human-centric design principles come into play. Glass-enclosed office spaces communicate transparency, among other valuable traits, and spaces that are dynamic — offering both social spots and focused, quiet areas like phone booths or small meeting rooms — suggest that companies understand the diverse needs of their staff. And it doesn’t require a top-to-bottom renovation to achieve similar results. Your business can use plants to bring the natural world inside and employ strategic lighting to create an appealing, pleasant space.

Make It Personal

Personalizing workspace whenever possible is another important step, according to findings from Harvard Business Review. That’s why businesses should commit to flexibility to deliver stronger performance and a deeper sense of ownership of their work among employees.

Light, temperature and air quality are all things most people can control in their homes, so why not create a space that gives them this same control at work? Try to design with humans in mind, and keep things flexible. Some companies use apps that allow employees to adjust the amount of light from office windows, and others use seating plans that position people who want warmer temperatures closer to the edge of the floor plan and nearer to windows. Those who prefer cooler temperatures can be positioned more centrally within the space.

There won’t be a perfect or permanent solution to address every individual’s preferences, but modular furniture, a focus on workplace strategy and a commitment to options provides enough flexibility to adapt a space as new needs arise.

Lastly, it’s important to not overlook the value of socializing. Social spaces support networking, professional development and stronger community bonds, which, in turn, yield better business performance.

The business value of having a view is unmistakable. To win the talent wars, retain skilled employees, and demonstrate real investment in employee wellness and engagement, companies should look to the basics: improving window access and light, air quality and temperature control. The impact these fundamentals have on employee happiness and productivity could mean a brighter tomorrow.




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