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Crowdfunding, Take-Out Among Ways Small Restaurant And Bar Owners In Japan Are Coping With Coronavirus Measures

Crowdfunding, Take-Out Among Ways Small Restaurant And Bar Owners In Japan Are Coping With Coronavirus Measures

Every year in Japan, Showa Day, a national holiday commemorating the former emperor on his April 29 date of birth, marks the official beginning of the Golden Week holiday, which also includes several other national holidays and is one of the country’s perennial peak travel and leisure seasons.

The usual vibrant hustle and bustle of Golden Week has been tamped down considerably this year, however, amidst the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Under the current state of emergency in Japan, holiday travel is reportedly down significantly, with many shinkansen bullet trains nearly deserted, and “88 percent of domestic flights and 97 percent of international flights canceled” by airlines through the holiday season. Many of the larger department store and retail chains in Japan have also closed during Golden Week, excepting some of their more essential services such as supermarkets and pharmacies.

The state of emergency, which currently extends through the end of Golden Week on May 6, was initially declared by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on April 7 covering Tokyo and six other prefectures, subsequently expanded nationwide on April 16, and will likely soon be extended for at least another month due to the continued increase in new COVID-19 cases, according to a report by Nikkei.

Even so, as was the case with the initial stay-at-home requests issued following the postponement of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the state of emergency measures in Japan fall well short of the stricter lockdowns being implemented in other countries.

While prefectural governments can in some cases issue more stringent regulations, as seen in the “name and shame” pachinko parlor closure request by Tokyo governor Yuriko Koike, the national government is constitutionally limited to somewhat ineffective measures which merely request, but do not require with any enforcement, that individuals stay at home and that non-essential businesses shut down.

The juxtaposition of the financial viability of businesses and safe coronavirus containment practices, along with the government’s mixed messaging and policies, has resulted in a wide array of responses to the emergency measures among small business owners struggling to find the right balance in the tension between keeping their businesses alive and operating as safely as possible.

Many of the small businesses, eateries and shops in Japan which are particularly vulnerable to an extended financial downturn have opted to temporarily close or limit operations in accordance with the government’s closure requests.

Akito Kaga, the owner of Silverback and Smoky, two live music bars in Yokohama, has temporarily closed both of his establishments “due to the government’s request.” In order to maintain the viability of his businesses until he is able to safely reopen them, Kaga decided to utilize the crowdfunding site Campfire, which he describes as a “store rescue support site.”

In the Campfire system, “the support money from crowdfunding supporters is used to maintain the operation of the stores, but basically it’s a deposit paid by the customer,” Kaga explained. “We’ll sell our customers food and beverage coupon tickets with a 15% discount that can be used when the shop restarts.”

“Since I’ve lost 100% of my income, using Campfire will allow me to keep paying rent and the salaries of my employees,” he added.

According to Campfire’s website, it is the largest crowdfunding site in Japan, and has helped raise over ¥20 billion (about $188 million) for over 33,000 projects. Anecdotally, I have increasingly heard of small businesses in Japan turning to Campfire to weather the coronavirus storm, and it seems that loyal customers appreciate having the opportunity to support the restaurants, bars and shops that they love even if they can’t patronize them in person at this time.

Mr. Wood Bar, a local bar and restaurant in my suburban Yokohama neighborhood, has remained open during the state of emergency (though voluntarily closing during Golden Week), but has nevertheless borne the brunt of a steep drop-off in customers which has created a “crisis” for the business.

Yukiko Saito, who along with her husband Fujio Saito owns Mr. Wood Bar, explained that they are trying to operate safely by “disinfecting the tables, chairs, menus, etc. before and after every customer, having the staff wear face masks, reducing the number of seats to create distancing between customers, and limiting business hours to a shorter time.”

In order to try to make up for some of their lost earnings, the Saitos have also started a take-out food service, whereas before their establishment was exclusively eat-in. According to Saito, this has not only helped supplement their income, but has also been a way to interact with customers who are avoiding dining out, but will drop by for take-out.

Despite their “bitter” circumstances, the support the Saitos are receiving from their customers is helping to carry them through. “We really appreciate the kindness of our regular customers, and we realize that everyone supports us when they encourage us to do our best,” Yukiko said. “By doing take-out, we also get to enjoy the smiles of elderly customers who we usually don’t interact with since they don’t come to eat in here.”

The range of responses by small businesses to governmental requests run the full gamut.

Ichiro Naruse is the owner of Surfers, a beach bar and restaurant in Zushi City near Yokohama. Naruse opted to shut down his establishment from April 8 through May 6, corresponding with the dates of the state of emergency in compliance with the closure request, and told me that he’s considering reopening from May 7, but is waiting to see if there is further action by the government.

At the other end of the spectrum, plenty of shops remain fully open with no apparent precautions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, including one busy ramen shop I passed today with a counter packed shoulder-to-shoulder.

The pressure on many such businesses to stay open is overwhelming, and the unfortunate reality is that some will go under if they do not continue operations. This is true even as government measures to help bridge them through the crisis are thus far entirely insufficient – while at the same time the closure requests have been issued are increasing the pressure to shut down.

And this combination of mixed messaging with a lack of adequate support will almost certainly result in continued struggles for small business owners trying to navigate the waters between economic security and the health and safety of their customers, employees and families.



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