Home Business ‘Dirty John’ Season 2: How Betty Broderick Devolved From Socialite To Murderer

‘Dirty John’ Season 2: How Betty Broderick Devolved From Socialite To Murderer

‘Dirty John’ Season 2: How Betty Broderick Devolved From Socialite To Murderer

The unraveling of Betty Broderick didn’t happen overnight. It was a slow chipping away of everything she valued in life. It was the loss of her husband to a younger woman (a story that plays out daily) and losing custody of her children and the very foundation of having a home and place in the world.

Dirty John: The Betty Broderick Story details what happens when everything you are taught to believe is right turns out to be a lie. Betty followed the rules and social mores expected of her at the time. If you’d looked at her life from the outside in, she was a person you may have envied. So, how did she go from dutiful wife and mother to a double murderer for the 1989 killing of her ex-husband and his second wife?

Based on Bella Stumbo’s 1993 book “Until the Twelfth of Never: The Deadly Divorce of Dan & Betty Broderick,” the eight-episode second season of Dirty John follows the story as Betty and Dan meet in college, marry in 1969, go on to live a life of privilege and how it all implodes within two decades.

Betty stood by her husband during the challenges of their early years together as Dan attended medical school at Cornell and then Harvard Law. She struggled through five difficult pregnancies (they lost one child) and sacrificed her dreams to help her husband achieve his. As she took care of their four young children, she worked menial jobs, typed up his college papers and legal briefs and maintained the household. And, as he became a wealthy medical malpractice attorney, she rightfully expected to enjoy the fruits of their labor and they eventually did enjoy all the material trappings that came with his success.

Her story could be reduced to the old adage “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” but that would be too simplistic. This is a tale that is relatable: Betty felt she’d been betrayed and she suffered the psychological torture of losing everything. And, who hasn’t felt the sting of betrayal at some point? Though we do not all become killers, for some the pain is too much to handle. This was the case for Betty.

Show creator Alexandra Cunningham lays out the second season of the true crime anthology series in eight hour-long episodes. Though it’s been nearly 30 years, she felt the story remained relevant and deserved a retelling.

Little has changed or improved as far as no-fault divorce laws go and many have been ensnared in this trap. “No-fault divorce was meant to equalize things in the courtroom. It was supposed to be a good thing. I have yet to see that pan out for anybody,” she says.

She also felt Betty could be better represented. “I have been disappointed that Betty has consistently been presented in the same way: as hysterical, crazy, evil, irrational, jealous, full of hatred, embarrassing, needy, laughable, repulsive and fat. Dan didn’t leave her because of her personal appearance,” Cunningham explains.

She adds that she didn’t excavate the psychology of why Dan left but focused more on how jealousy doesn’t exist in a vacuum. “There is a foundation where it is rooted and festers and that foundation gets laid by the emotional experiences you have and how you’re treated by others and how you react to that treatment and what that does to your soul.”

Why does Cunningham think Betty killed Dan? “I don’t believe we have any idea why people do things. Sometimes the explanation is hard to find and frightening because tragedy is contagious and so we need to hear why something won’t happen to us and our family. We shouldn’t feel safe; anything can happen to anyone under the right foundations.”

There’s also the fact that humans are extremely complicated and some have said Dan poked the bear, so to speak. “Often a person doesn’t know what they’re doing to others until it’s too late and what I wanted to explore was not just Betty’s story but a there for the grace of God story.”

Details of the Broderick’s divorce and what ensued had previously been told in two 1992 TV movies. Meredith Baxter received an Emmy nomination for her portrayal of Betty in A Woman Scorned: The Betty Broderick Story and Her Final Fury: Betty Broderick, the Last Chapter.

This new telling stars Amanda Peet as Betty (and she’s never been better) and Christian Slater as Dan. Starring alongside are Rachel Keller (Legion) as Linda Kolkena, Tiera Skovbye (Riverdale) as a young Betty and Chris Mason (who does a perfect Christian Slater impersonation) as a young Dan.

Does Cunningham believe Betty was pushed to commit murder? “Betty was built to be a wife and mother and to take that identity away from her while calling her crazy, well, put that in a pressure cooker and wait,” Cunningham replies. And, Betty would resist getting mental help. During the course of her trial, her mental stability was analyzed and one psychiatrist testified she suffered from dual-personality disorders and that her behavior was characterized by wild exaggeration, petty vindictiveness and homicidal rage.

“I don’t actually know what her diagnosis is,” explains Cunningham, who didn’t speak with Betty for this project but extensively studied this case and researched thousands of pages of interviews and court transcripts of Betty speaking to people at the time about her life and crimes. “There is definitely mental instability but I don’t know the exact diagnosis. At the time, Betty fought the idea of going to therapy because that would be an admission that Dan was right about her being crazy.”

Betty, she adds, would say anything to get a laugh and wanted people to like and agree with her. At the time, Betty said she regretted what she did but in her mind, Dan and Linda were trying to destroy her and it was her or them. “It makes me so sad about the journey she took. The story we are trying to tell is the narrative she constructed for herself and the meaning of the word fairness to her. She had a lethal notion to the idea of fairness. We constructed the story based on her words in both trials.” Cunningham explains why she didn’t meet with Betty prior to writing the season. “I do not feel that the Betty of today is better equipped to talk to me.”

Some may feel this is a pro-Betty telling. It was clear Dan gaslighted her into thinking she was wrong about his affair with Linda but even after admitting she was right, the damage was done. “We were trying to present the ultimate point of view but this story is Betty’s perception of her treatment of what was being done to her and her reaction to it,” Cunningham says. “I wanted to be as fair as I could but there were ways Dan chose to deal with her over the years. He was frustrated that she refused to accept their new reality and each punished the other. This is one of the saddest, most confusing elements of this story to me. There may be backlash and I fully support it but at the end day it’s told from her point of view.”

Betty was sentenced to 32-years-to-life in prison and as of her last parole hearing in 2017, remains behind bars for what the district attorney referred to as a lack of remorse or insight into her crimes.

In one pivotal moment, Peet’s Betty compares divorce to war. “At the end of the day, this war was truly between her and Dan,” says Cunningham. “She wasn’t killing the man she hated but the man she loved and lost who went on without her. It was a constant reminder of the loss and in killing him, he couldn’t go on without her anymore.” 

This second season is as fascinating and gripping as the highly-successful first season, which aired on Bravo and centered around another cautionary tale about a love gone very wrong. Connie Britton garnered an Emmy nomination for her portrayal of Debra Newell, who was conned into marrying John Meehan (played by Eric Bana). This fan cannot wait to see what true crime tale Cunningham and her team will tell next!

The second season of Dirty John debuted the first two episodes June 2 at 9:00 p.m. EST with the remaining six episodes airing Tuesdays on Bravo’s sister network USA at 10:00 p.m. EST.



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