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DOJ Prosecutors Say Barr’s Authorization Of Voter Fraud Probes Is ‘Not Based In Fact’

DOJ Prosecutors Say Barr’s Authorization Of Voter Fraud Probes Is ‘Not Based In Fact’


More than a dozen career federal prosecutors signed a letter Friday criticizing Attorney General William Barr’s decision to greenlight probes into voting irregularities, the Washington Post reported, the latest pushback against an unusual directive that some Department of Justice staffers warn is politically problematic and unnecessary due to a lack of credible evidence of voter fraud.

Key Facts

In a letter reviewed by the Post, a group of 16 assistant U.S. attorneys from around the country who were assigned to track voting irregularities encouraged Barr to reverse a surprise memo he issued Monday, which gave prosecutors permission to look into election problems before states certify their final vote counts.

The letter said there is no credible evidence of widespread voter fraud or irregularities following last week’s election, calling Barr’s decision “not based in fact.”

These prosecutors warned the specter of voter fraud probes could politicize DOJ’s work.

A DOJ spokesperson told the Post that Barr’s memo encouraged prosecutors to be cautious and avoid investigating frivolous allegations, and it did not specifically allege widespread voter fraud (DOJ did not respond to a request for comment from Forbes).

Key Background

On Monday, Barr told prosecutors they can start looking into allegations of voting irregularities, as long as they are credible and may have altered the results of an election. This memo lifted a longstanding DOJ rule forcing prosecutors to wait until all votes are tallied and final results are certified before any election-related investigations can move forward, a protocol designed to prevent the agency from interfering in elections. Barr’s decision drew criticism from Democrats, especially because it came as President Donald Trump spread false conspiracy theories about voter fraud and denied President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.


Barr’s memo has frustrated staffers across DOJ this week. Several department officials have reportedly expressed alarm, worrying Barr was giving into Trump’s baseless allegations of voter fraud, and DOJ’s top election crimes prosecutor stepped down from his leadership post within hours of the decision.

What To Watch For

It’s still unclear whether any federal prosecutors will end up launching election-related probes. Barr said investigations need to be based on credible allegations, and there is currently no evidence of widespread voter fraud anywhere in the United States.

Further Reading

Federal prosecutors assigned to monitor election malfeasance tell Barr they see no evidence of substantial irregularities (Washington Post)



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