Home Business Economic Forecast Update March 20, 2020 For COVID-19, Coronavirus Impacts

Economic Forecast Update March 20, 2020 For COVID-19, Coronavirus Impacts

Economic Forecast Update March 20, 2020 For COVID-19, Coronavirus Impacts

Last week’s economic forecast is out of date, and no one can be sure what the future holds. Because everyone is asking, here are my thoughts on the economic implications of the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can view the economic forecast webinar that I conducted on March 20. This article summarizes that information.

The stock market is not the economy. That’s fortunate, but we only need a little connection to get pessimistic. The usual direction of causation is from the economy—and expectations about the economy—to the stock market. Occasionally there is a little backflow, with the stock market impacting the economy through lower wealth for consumers and less ability for corporations to raise funds in equity markets. That is a fairly small effect right now. The stock market is not causing trouble, it’s reflecting trouble.

New reports have reflected what’s newsworthy: stock market decline, deaths and business closures. People getting up in the morning and going to work is not newsworthy, but it’s more common than layoffs. Keep that in mind when assessing the overall situation.

The pandemic hurts the economy in four basic ways. First, supply chain failures which I wrote about February 16, back when this was a China thing. Supply chains are still a problem, but not the worst.

The second harm results from direct effects of illness in lost work by those who are sick or tending to the sick. So far this is a tiny impact.

The third and biggest impact to date is the indirect effect of quarantines, travel restrictions, restaurant and store closures, and so forth. This is very big, and it triggers the fourth harm.

Finally, the economy is beset by demand shocks as people’s incomes are limited by job loss and, in the case of small business owners, profit loss.

To assess the risk to the overall economy from the quarantines and closures, and their ripple effects, I judgmentally coded each sector of the economy as mild risk, moderate risk or severe risk. Severe risk included restaurants and air transportation, of course, plus several other categories. Moderate risk was trucking, given that some food still needs to be moved to stores, but not much furniture or appliances. Mild risk included activities that can probably be carried on safely, such as construction.

Manufacturing illustrates the difficulty of the exercise. Factories are hugely varied. Touring a paint factory, I thought the plant was down because I couldn’t see anyone in the production area. The manager pointed out three people scattered across a large area, and told me the plant as at full production. At the other end of the spectrum, I visited a fish processing plant with over 100 people standing shoulder to shoulder. Many other factories I have visited had workers who were generally—but not always—six feet apart.

The line-item list of employment sectors was coded as well as GDP components, with similar results from both calculations. About 20% of the economy is at severe risk; another 5% at moderate risk, and 75% at mild risk. That mild category includes those sectors that will expand either the job count or the hours worked, such as health care and government.

This assessment does not include government edicts that non-essential businesses close, which will worsen the economic impacts significantly.

Lessons from the past are valuable. The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease & the End of an Empire is a recent book arguing that plague contributed to the collapse of the Roman Empire. With Roman control of the Mediterranean, international trade and travel grew as never before. Does that ring a bell? And with travel comes infections.

The Black Death from 1347 to 1351 killed so many people that wages for surviving workers doubled: supply and demand in action.

More recently, the Spanish Flu killed 675,000 people in the U.S. It began in Kansas but was misnamed because only Spain did not censor news reports during World War I. The epimemic came in three waves, the largest of which lasted about 11 weeks, with a very steep decline in deaths at the end.

The economy went into recession about the time that the flu peaked, but it’s not that simple. World War I ended in November 1918, right at the flu’s peak. Then the U.S. slowed the purchase of war materials and brought our troops back home. The demobilization is the obvious cause—or contributor—of the recession.

The data available about that era are sparse, but the recession appears to have lasted about nine months, with a drop in commerce and manufacturing of about nine percent. However, our annual GDP figures show strong growth in 1918 and a small growth in 1919. That’s consistent with a strong boom in the first half of 1918, a nine month recession, followed by a nice rebound.

The U.S. experience with the coronavirus is much different, of course. President Woodrow Wilson added to the death toll by censoring news to keep people working. There was no social distancing, closing of bars and restaurants, or work-from-home suggestions (or opportunities). Our actions in 2020 will reduce the death rate well below what a 1918-style response would have created, but at a price of more severe economic decline.

The economic future depends on the virus’ future. Four possibilities stand out, starting with an end in three months or so. This seems the least likely, but it’s possible that current containment will prevent the spread of the virus and it will die out for lack of hosts.

The virus may prove to be seasonal, like the common flu, in which case we’ll have a respite and then recurrence as winter approaches.

The virus may persist until a substantial portion of the population is immune. Some people may not be susceptible as it is. When most of the rest of the population have recovered, with immunity, then the virus will dwindle to small portions.

The final possibility is that we’ll have a vaccine or treatment soon. Vaccines take a long time—one year seems like a best case, fast track story—but a treatment could calm things down quickly. If we find that an existing drug, already proven safe, reduces the effects of the virus so that it’s not so deadly, we can return to something like normal.

What will trigger an “all clear” signal? Many states have ordered all bars and restaurants closed (except take-out) and banned large gatherings. Perhaps if a state goes two weeks or four weeks with no new cases, the closures will be lifted. But stray cases are likely to pop back up as people travel through the state.

The economic forecast on the pessimistic extreme calls for a severe recession lasting a year or two. People whose work is vital to maintaining basic public services and food supply will continue their jobs, and the rest of us either work from home or do nothing. This would probably be worse than the Great Depression, but it is certainly not the most likely forecast.

The optimistic end of the forecast spectrum would be based on a treatment shown to be effective in the next month or so, with widespread resumption of life as normal in June or July. We would pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and start all over again, as Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers suggested.

The business implication of this wide range of possibilities is that companies need to be ready for a prolonged period of weak sales, while also ready to jump forward in a reviving economy.




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