Home Business Engen Believes Restart Of Frauen Bundesliga To Be “Important Sign Of Equality”

Engen Believes Restart Of Frauen Bundesliga To Be “Important Sign Of Equality”


“It is such a massive statement from the football federation in Germany that they let us continue the league”, says VfL Wolfsburg midfielder Ingrid Engen. “It is an important sign of equality and it makes us feel valued”. After Italy yesterday became the latest country to cancel its women’s soccer season, Germany’s Frauen Bundesliga now stands alone among Europe’s major soccer leagues as a bastion for equal opportunity in the women’s game.

After two months without competitive action, club doctors in Italy believed that players who had yet to resume training would need a month of preparation to reduce the risk of injury. In Germany, Engen and her Wolfsburg team-mates returned to non-contact training a month before the league restarted as she explained, “I felt really fit when I came back to contact training thanks to a good program. The coaches and physios build up the training step-by-step. In the beginning it was a lot of focus on technique and individual training, and then it got tougher and tougher as the season was getting closer to begin. They have been smart and I feel well prepared even though you can never be completely without the risk of getting an injury”.

Like every other team, the Wolfsburg squad had to train for a week in a quarantine camp while the players were routinely tested for Covid-19. “I think you get used to everything after a while”, admits Engen. “It is a lot to remember and there are many rules to follow, but we all try to do everything right if that is what it takes to play games. We help each other out and I just feel really thankful to be in a club that has good resources”.

After three weeks at home in Norway, Engen has been away from her family since returning to Germany in April which she admits is “tough”. After training alone for several weeks, she relished the opportunity to train as a squad once more. “It felt like a pre-season all over again! It was so nice to be back with the team – first in small groups and then everyone together. In times where you have to just train alone, you really get to feel how much you appreciate being a part of a team and play games together”.

German champions Wolfsburg played the first game of the restarted championship at home to FC Köln on Friday 29 May. Engen started the match as a substitute observing social distancing in the stands she described the surreal experience of playing without spectators. “It felt like it was only us in the stadium, and we really missed our amazing fans. It is not the same atmosphere at all, and it was weird not to celebrate in front of the fans like we are used to after the game. But I think the girls on the pitch were fully focused without thinking about the circumstances when they played. We all wore masks on the stands”.

In both league matches since the restart, Engen has come on as a second-half substitute for Danish star forward Pernille Harder, the UEFA Women’s Player of the Year for 2018. Having played and trained alongside Harder all season, Engen is in no doubt about her qualities on and off the pitch.

“Pernille is maybe the best player I have ever played with. She is such a complete player – she has great technique and intelligence, and she provides assists and scores in almost every game. But I really like that she is also extremely hard working and a true leader. I think she is one of the most competitive in the team, in both trainings and games”.

First capped by Norway as a teenager, Engen scored the first goal against European champions, Netherlands in a victory which booked her country’s place at last summer’s World Cup finals. Her national coach Martin Sjögren praised her maturity, “it’s remarkable to be so steady and steady in her performance at that age. She is only 20 years old but acts as if she has played international football for 10 years”.

At the World Cup, Engen came to international prominence after securing Norway’s place in the quarter-finals of the competition by converting the winning penalty in a dramatic late-night shoot-out with Australia. “That penalty was absolutely a great moment in my career, mostly because I was so proud of the team and it was so huge to experience the whole World Cup with them”.

“That moment was also really important for the women´s football in Norway, because more and more people started to follow our games and enjoyed watching us play well and get far in the tournament”.

“I feel like I had a bigger profile in a short period of time and it was a lot of attention that I was not used to receiving. Having a higher profile also makes you think about what you do/post/say much more. I try to be a good role model for younger girls and boys with big dreams and ambitions”.

During the pandemic, Engen has demonstrated this social conscience. In March, she was one of a number of players who asked her club to waive 10% of her salary to provide financial support for people affected by the virus. Last month she also donated one of her national team shirts to The One Goal organisation which raised £20,492 by auctioning 20 different player jerseys. “Hopefully more players will get involved and take action” she says “to give back to the communities who support us and cheer us on”.



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