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7 Common Reasons Why People Perform Badly in Interviews

7 Common Reasons Why People Perform Badly in Interviews

Interviews can be stressful and anxiety-inducing for many people. Even those who are well qualified and capable sometimes struggle in interviews and don’t perform at their best. Here are five of the most common reasons people end up bombing their interviews.

👉 1. Poor Preparation

Many people fail to adequately prepare for interviews which sets them up for struggles and failure. From not researching the company and role to not preparing answers for common interview questions, lack of preparation leaves people stumbling over questions they should be equipped to handle. Thorough preparation including researching the employer, practicing responses, and knowing your own resume and qualifications in depth helps interviews flow smoothly.

👉 2. Nervousness and Anxiety

It’s perfectly natural to feel some nervousness with interviews, but for some people, it goes beyond normal levels and becomes full-blown anxiety. High anxiety makes it difficult to understand questions, retrieve and provide clear answers, and effectively sell yourself. Taking some time before the interview to practice relaxation techniques can help get your nerves under better control. 

👉 3. Failure to Listen

Strong listening skills are essential for interview success but anxiety or assumptions sometimes get in the way. Failing to fully listen to the complete interview question before blurting out answers causes all kinds of issues. It’s crucial to slow down, listen closely to what is being asked, and provide an appropriate response.

👉 4. Talking Too Much or Too Little

Interviews should be a balanced two-way conversation but some people end up dominating the discussion while others speak too little. Both extremes prevent a natural flow and often fail to provide what the interviewer is looking for. Being mindful of both your own responses as well as allowing space for the interviewer helps find that sweet spot. 

👉 5. Poor Nonverbal Communication

Smiling, nodding, and maintaining eye contact are signs that you are engaged and confident. Demonstrating a slouched posture, lack of expression, or breaking eye contact signals the opposite. Be aware of your body language and do your best to convey interest and enthusiasm through appropriate nonverbal cues. If your nerves won’t allow natural nonverbal communication, practice beforehand can help.

👉 6. Appearing Overconfident or Arrogant

While you want to showcase your skills and strengths with confidence, some candidates take it too far and come across as egotistic or arrogant. Interviews should demonstrate knowledge without overstating your expertise or abilities. Portray quiet confidence rather than an inflated self-perception.

👉 7. Asking No Questions

Most interviews reserve time at the end for the candidate to pose questions. Skipping this opportunity makes it appear as though you lack interest or engagement with the company. Prepare thoughtful questions that show your understanding of the business or role. Asking questions also provides more insight to inform your decision if offered the job.

With preparation and practice, most people can overcome the stumbling blocks above that lead to poor interview performance. Know the reasons you may struggle but also your own strengths so you can emphasize the best of your qualifications. With extra attention on these common trouble spots, you’ll be equipped for interview success.



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