Home Business Even After COVID-19, Budget Problems Will Persist For Many States

Even After COVID-19, Budget Problems Will Persist For Many States


The economic slowdown caused by COVID-19 presents an immediate challenge for state and local governments. Many of them only recently regained their footing following the last recession, and now, with conventions and sporting events postponed, businesses temporarily closed, and consumers staying home, government revenues are projected to fall while expenses rise to combat the virus. While the effects of COVID-19 will eventually subside, decades of underfunding pensions and demographic changes will cause many states’ budget problems to persist. Fortunately, more immigration can help.

In a recent article, Steven Malanga writes that states and cities are facing significant revenue losses due to COVID-19. The closing of Major League Baseball spring training camps, the postponement of the National Basketball Association season, suspension of in person dining at restaurants, temporary store closings, and the decline in tourism all reduce sales tax revenue, gas tax revenue, and other fees. And if mass layoffs follow, as many are predicting, income tax revenue will decline, too.

Unlike the federal government, state and local governments can’t print money. Their capacity to borrow is also more limited. So, when an economic downturn occurs and revenue declines, states without adequate reserves face tough choices. In a 2016 Brookings paper, economists Jason Furman, Matthew Felder, and Wilson Powell III calculated that a one percentage point increase in a state’s unemployment rate is associated with about a 4% reduction in state tax revenues per capita due to fewer people working and buying things. Since states must balance their budgets, their options are dipping into reserves, cutting spending, increasing taxes or fees, or getting aid from the federal government.

Looking at data from Ohio, a typical Midwestern state, provides context. In 2019, total tax revenue in Ohio was about $24 billion and the current state unemployment rate is 4.4%. Using the results from the Brookings paper, if unemployment rose to 7.4% over the next few months, this three-percentage point increase would coincide with tax revenue falling by 12% in 2020, or nearly $3 billion based on 2019 revenue. Ohio’s budget stabilization fund has a current balance of $2.7 billion, meaning it would take the entire fund to make up the lost revenue. If unemployment reaches 9%, as it did during the financial crisis, Ohio’s savings wouldn’t be enough to prevent spending cuts or tax increases.

States certainly have room to cut spending to bolster their budgets, but doing so under financial duress is not ideal. This is why many economists and others are calling for the federal government to provide financial assistance to state and local governments in response to COVID-19. Such assistance, the thinking goes, would allow states to operate as usual while dealing with the crisis, postponing tough decisions about spending and taxes. As of this writing, federal aid to state and local governments looks like it will be around $150 billion (not including additional funding for unemployment insurance).

The federal government has its own budget problems—trillion-dollar deficits for the foreseeable future and over $50 trillion of unfunded liabilities for entitlement programs—so it’s not in position to aid state and local governments forever, nor should it. Eventually, states must get their budgets under control on their own, and the biggest issue they face is unfunded pension liabilities.

Take Ohio for example. According to recent data from Pew, Ohio’s net pension liabilities per capita is $3,404. A report from the American Legislative Exchange Council that adjusts the financial assumptions of state pension plans to better reflect reality reveals a more dire situation, showing Ohio’s unfunded pension liabilities per capita is $26,178. Both numbers represent money that is owed to former state employees that hasn’t been raised yet, implying higher future taxes if something doesn’t change.

If this wasn’t bad enough, in states like Ohio there are other underlying demographic issues that will make raising revenue more difficult. Between 1992 and 2018, Ohio lost over $28 billion in income as people moved to other states and took their money with them. The states that gained the most from Ohio’s loss were sunbelt states that have been gaining people from the Midwest for years—Florida, North Carolina, Texas, South Carolina, and Arizona. Even Ohio’s fastest growing city, Columbus, is primarily gaining people from other places in Ohio rather than other states.

As people leave Ohio there is less money to tax. As a result, any tax increases will be levied on a smaller population and tax base, meaning rates will need to be higher to raise a similar amount of revenue.

Ohio’s demographic issues are clear when reviewing net migration data, and a potential solution emerges as well. Below is a figure showing Ohio’s net migration data from 2001 to 2018, along with several other Midwestern and southern states that compete with Ohio for residents. As shown in the figure, net migration to Ohio (red line) was negative from 2001 to 2012, losing about 30,000 people annually, and close to zero since. Nearby states Pennsylvania, Indiana, Kentucky, and Michigan have experienced a similar trend recently, while Michigan and Illinois also lost population in the first decade of the 21st century. Meanwhile, sunbelt states North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia gained people annually over the entire period.

Net Migration 2001 – 2018 For Selected States

The next two figures break each state’s net migration data into two parts, net domestic migration (people in United States moving to other states) and net international migration (people moving to United States from other countries). As shown, all the northern states experienced annual negative net domestic migration several times over this period. Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois lost people every year, with Illinois losing the most. North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia gained people every year apart from Georgia in 2010 and 2013.

Net Domestic Migration 2001 – 2018 For Selected States

While domestic residents are leaving the northern states, immigrants are moving in. The figure below shows net international migration data for these states. Since 2012 Ohio has gained about as many immigrants as Georgia and North Carolina, around 20,000 annually, and more than South Carolina. Of all these states, two northern ones—Pennsylvania and Illinois—have gained the most immigrants in recent years.

Net International Migration 2001 – 2018 For Selected States

Immigration is a way for Ohio to add people. This bolsters the state’s economy through additional workers producing more output while also making it less painful to raise revenue by increasing the state’s tax base. Absent immigration, Ohio’s population—and the populations of many other northern states—would be shrinking. Since people are resources who generate new ideas, products, and services, shrinking populations hurt state economies and government finances.

President Trump and many of his supporters, already skeptical of immigration and international trade, see COVID-19 as another reason why America should restrict immigration, curtail free trade, and implement other “America first” policies. But cutting America off from the rest of the world is bad policy that will only make Americans worse off in the long run.

International cooperation is important for suppressing pandemics and free trade allows products to get where they are needed most. Immigrants are a valuable source of labor and many create new products or start their own businesses. And for many states, and the country as a whole, immigration is vital for maintaining population growth.

Indefinite isolation is tempting during a pandemic, and some temporary policy changes may be warranted, but long-term restrictions on free trade and immigration will have severe adverse effects on state and local economies. Free trade and immigration have boosted U.S. living standards and will continue to do so if we don’t mess it up.




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