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Failing To Start The 2020 Season Is A Golden Opportunity Missed By MLB

Failing To Start The 2020 Season Is A Golden Opportunity Missed By MLB

Major League Baseball held a golden opportunity in its hands.

With it came a perfect opening to grow the game that is currently shrinking in terms of new and diverse audience. With it came the chance to own the media landscape for its sport and its players, and that includes social media. With it was the kind of position all professional sports leagues desire – the spotlight to itself.

For two months, MLB had time to figure this out. To find a way to get its game back on the field, even with all the restrictions placed on it by the coronavirus pandemic. When all other sports weren’t even close to coming back, baseball could have had a monopoly on the sports watching world, a position likely worth billions in the long run.

Instead, all the news coming from MLB is something no fan wants to hear about – a labor dispute. 

The league and its owners are currently in a standoff with the players and their union about how to start the season. At the heart of this stare down is which side can get the most money out of a season that will be shortened by at least half of what it normally would be. 

The owners, who brought in a record $10.7 billion in revenue last year, are looking for ways to pay the players less and pocket more. The players are hoping to get in as many games as possible so they can collect more of their original paychecks on a prorated pay scale. 

What we’re left with right now is no games in sight. And this is happening as the NBA is settling on opening the remainder of its season on July 31 followed by a new and exciting playoff format that is sure to captivate the sports world. Chances are, because of the overwhelming worldwide popularity of the league, it will leave MLB in the dust whether its season is happening or not.

This is a lack of foresight on MLB’s part. Long term, owning a couple of months of the spring and summer could have been worth more than whatever it is the owners end up saving through these tired negotiations with the players union. The country is thirsty for any live sporting event right now – that is why ESPN reached an agreement to broadcast Korea Baseball Organization games – and MLB not having to share airtime with any other league would have reaped long-lasting benefits.

People never exposed to the game might have become lifelong fans and revenue streams. Marketing the game in that vacuum could have brought in adult fans who had only casual or no interest in MLB until it was the only sports show on TV. This was a chance to snatch back some of the market share the league has been hemorrhaging for years to the NFL and NBA.

Instead, fans are listening to the billionaires battle the millionaires (not all are millionaires) to see who can pocket the most money as fans who’ve lost jobs or are otherwise pinching pennies during this crisis shake their heads and turn their attention elsewhere. It’s a bad reflection on the league, owners and players. No fans want to hear the season is delayed more than needed because of a money dispute. 

Yet, here we are. Baseball still doesn’t have a start date while the NBA does. And the opportunity to own the sports landscape is vanishing with every passing day.



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