Home Business Family’s Autopsy Finds George Floyd Died By ‘Homicide Caused By Asphyxia’

Family’s Autopsy Finds George Floyd Died By ‘Homicide Caused By Asphyxia’



A private autopsy ordered by George Floyd’s family appears to contradict details released from Hennepin County’s preliminary exam, concluding he died by “homicide caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain.”


The autopsy found that sustained pressure on the right side of Floyd’s carotid artery impeded blood flow to the brain, and the weight on his back, handcuffs and positioning were contributing factors that impaired the ability of his diaphragm to function.

The doctors who conducted the autopsy concluded that Floyd likely died at the scene.

The autopsy was conducted by Michael Baden, former New York City chief medical examiner, who previously conducted an independent autopsy of Jeffrey Epstein, and Dr. Allecia Wilson, the University of Michigan Medical School’s director of autopsy and forensic services.

The criminal complaint against former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who was arrested and charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter last Friday, cited a preliminary autopsy report showing that there were “no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation.”

While the Hennepin County autopsy report found heart disease, hypertension and “potential intoxicants” contributed to Floyd’s death, Baden claims no underlying health problems contributed.

Last year, Baden claimed that evidence suggested Epstein did not take his own life but may have been strangled.

Critical quote: 

“The family and I reject this notion… that the knee from the police officer on George’s neck for almost nine minutes was not the proximate cause of his death,” Floyd’s family attorney, Benjamin Crump, said in a statement. 

Big Number:

4,400: More than 4,400 people have been arrested at demonstrations nationwide since video emerged, showing Floyd’s final few minutes of life. 

Key Background:

The six days since Floyd was pronounced dead have been marked by unrest throughout the country, with protests, demonstrations and riots raging in more than 30 cities nationwide. The Hennepin County medical examiner’s office has said their official findings are pending toxicology reports and could take at least three weeks to be released. 

“What we found is consistent with what people saw,” said Baden. “There is no other health issue that could cause or contribute to the death. Police have this false impression that if you can talk, you can breathe. That’s not true.”


As of Monday afternoon, the three other officers who were involved in Floyd’s arrest have not been charged. 

Further Reading:

Independent autopsy finds George Floyd died of asphyxia (ABC News)

More NBA Players—Including Michael Jordan And Lebron James—Speak Out Loudly Against Police Brutality (Forbes)

George Floyd died from ‘asphyxiation from sustained pressure,’ independent autopsy says (CBS)

Epstein’s Autopsy ‘Points to Homicide,’ Pathologist Hired by Brother Claims (NYT)



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