Home Business FBI Questions Feinstein Over Stock Trades After Seizing Burr’s Phone

FBI Questions Feinstein Over Stock Trades After Seizing Burr’s Phone

FBI Questions Feinstein Over Stock Trades After Seizing Burr’s Phone


The FBI has taken action on multiple cases of alleged insider trading by U.S. Senators, questioning Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and seizing the phone of Richard Burr (R-N.C.), but not on cases involving Trump-friendly Senators Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.), prompting some to allege a political bias.


Feinstein’s husband sold millions in shares of Allogene Therapeutics, a California biotech company, in January and February, according to Senate financial disclosures.

Feinstein came under intense public scrutiny for the sales in March, along with several other senators who made similar transactions.

Feinstein has defended herself, saying she had “no input” in her husband’s financial transactions, during a CNN interview in March.

Now, a spokesman for Feinstein confirms she was asked “some basic questions by law enforcement about her husband’s stock transactions” in April, adding that she was “happy to voluntarily answer those questions to set the record straight.”

The development comes as Senator Richard Burr’s (R-N.C.) announced he’s stepping down as chair of the Senate Intelligence committee on the news that FBI investigators seized his phone as part of an investigation into allegations that he made similar trades.

Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.), whose husband made similar trades, was not questioned by investigators, a spokeswoman told AI-Monitor reporter Laura Rozen.

Key background

Feinstein, Burr, Loeffler and Jim Inhofe (R-Idaho) were all found to have sold stock shortly before the coronavirus pandemic spurred a precipitous market crash in early March. The Justice department launched an inquiry later that month into the stock sales of all four Senators. So far, Burr and Feinstein’s cases are the only ones publicly confirmed to have escalated.

Chief Critic

Some White House critics have questioned whether there was political motive behind the FBI taking action on Feinstein and Burr, who have both been critical of Trump, but not the more Trump-friendly Loeffler and Inhofe. Atlantic writer Adam Serwer speculated that Loeffler may have been “rewarded with impunity for her loyalty to Trump,” while Vox editor Matthew Yglesias noted that Burr has “put up resistance to Trump’s efforts to suborn the intelligence community.”

“You can be sure this was cleared by the White House counsel, if not Trump himself. Also AG Bill Barr,” former Nixon White House Counsel John Dean said of the FBI’s seizure of Burr’s phone. “But why not Senator Kelly Loeffler, who also sold stocks? Because Burr is not a Trump toady—this looks like a vendetta!” Forbes has reached out to the Justice Department for comment.



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